Rotary Ride for Rescue 2024 Tania Ryan 2024-04-07 07:00:00Z 0 BMW Park shore North Van,British pacific Properties,Cypress Capital Management,Lamaoureaux architect,Park Royal Mall,Signarama,Western Canada Maine,beedie,concert properties,neptune,north construction,onni,salmon house in the hill,westerleigh parc
Rotary Ride for Rescue 2024-03-22 07:00:00Z 0 northshorerescue
Canadian Blood Services Tania Ryan 2024-03-06 08:00:00Z 0 Canadian Blood Services

Cruise with the Mayor

The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise very much appreciate the support of #mayorsager in offering his 90ft Motor Boat for a 5 hour cruise of the West Vancouver coast line with together with a talk by Mayor Sager about the history of the community. All donations will go to benefit Rotary Projects.
There are 40 tickets to be sold and tickets are going fast.
Cruise with the Mayor Christopher Loat 2023-07-22 07:00:00Z 0

It is in us all to give, and will help many when we do

The next blood donor clinic at Congregation Har El is on July 20th, 2023 between 1 pm and 7.45 pm. We are excited to welcome our latest proud sponsor BC Ferries
*BC Ferries is supporting this Canadian Blood Services donation event with complimentary ferry travel vouchers. The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise will distribute these vouchers at the clinic to donors travelling from the Sunshine Coast to give blood. No donation required. One BC Ferries voucher per visit. No cash value.
Our thanks also to our other proud sponsors West Vancouver Foundation, West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, and Enhance West Vancouver.
Click HERE to book
nation required. One BC Ferries voucher per visit. No cash value.his Canadian Blood Services donation event with complimentary ferry travel vouchers. The Rotary Club of West Vancouver will distribute these vouchers at the clinic to donors travelling from the Sunshine Coast to give blood. No donation required. One BC Ferries voucher per visit. No cash value.
It is in us all to give, and will help many when we do Christopher Loat 2023-07-18 07:00:00Z 0 Blood Donations,Canadian Blood Services,Congregation Har El,Enhance West Vancouver,Rotary Action Groupmfor Blood Donations,West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce,WestVancouver Foundation,rotaryinaction
Rotary Ride for Rescue Christopher Loat 2023-03-14 07:00:00Z 0 British pacific Properties,Enhance West Vancouver,Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise,Rotary Ride for Rescue,West Vancouver,West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce,rotarian,rotaryclub,rotaryfundraiser,rotaryinaction,rotarypower,rotaryworld,vancouverbiking
Rockridge Interactors supporting ShelterBox Christopher Loat 2022-11-21 08:00:00Z 0 Humanitarian Aid,Indonesian Earthquake,Rockridge Interact Club,Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise,ShelterBox Canada

If you could save a life, would you? Here's how.

Our Rotary Club in partnership with the West Vancouver Foundation, West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, and Enhance West Vancouver is working closely with Canadian Blood Service Donations to raise awareness of the blood donation clinics that will be held at the Congregation Har El on Thursday 17th November and Wednesday 21st December 
If you could save a life, would you? Here's how. Christopher Loat 2022-11-09 08:00:00Z 0 Blood Donations,Canadian Blood Services,Congregation Har El,Enhance West Vancouver,Rotary Action Groupmfor Blood Donations,West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce,West Vancouver Foundation
The Global Canadian - Rotary Club donates $51,000 to North Shore Rescue Selin Gul 2019-11-04 08:00:00Z 0 rotarian,rotary,rotaryclub,rotaryclubs,rotaryfundraiser,rotaryinaction,rotarypower,rotarystory,rotaryworld,vancouverbiking

ROTARY Ride For Rescue | Cypress Mountain Hill Climb 2019


THANK YOU!  Dear Riders, Partners, and Volunteers. Thanks to your support, we have raised over $94,000 and had a record number of cyclists this year with 244 participants. We couldn’t have done it without you!

President 2019-2020,

Matt Gul  The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise.   778.888.8888


9th Annual Rotary Ride for Rescue, Tim Jones Memorial - Cypress Mountain Hill Climb


100% of the funds raised through pledges and rider registrations will support North Shore Rescue &  Royal Canadian Marine Search & Rescue and Rotary humanitarian projects.


North Shore Rescue offers a variety of search and rescue services at no charge including mountain search and rescue; helicopter rescue; and public education.

Mike Danks,  Guy Trotter 


Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCM-SAR) is a volunteer organization of over 1000 people from many backgrounds who give up a great deal of their own time to train, be trained, and be on standby, in case they are needed to respond to a marine emergency on the water. These volunteers have the use of modern, well-equipped rescue vessels that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Gerard Mckenzie, Scotty Grubb


As you know, next year is our 10th year anniversary. We have bigger goals for the upcoming year, we need your support, and your friends support to reach our goal. Please feel free to share this on your social media and help us reach our goal. If every rider brings 2 friends, we will crush our goal with flying colours.


The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise has been serving our Community and beyond since 1989

We meet at Capilano Golf & Country Club, 420 Southborough Dr., West Van., BC., V7T1M2  on Thursdays from 7am to 8.30 am


Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise Club Executives & Directors

President  2019-2020

Matt Gul   778.888.8888


Peggy Wilson 

Immediate Past President

Ardath Paxton 


The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise has been serving our Community and beyond since 1989



Capilano Audi

British Pacific Properties 

Bean Around the World 

Upward Constraction & Renovation LTD. 

Cypress Mountain

North Shore News 

Stong's Market,

Method Cycling

Split Mango

VPG Realty Inc.

North Construction

Neptune Bulk Terminal

Standard Building Supplies LTD



Canacon Media - Selin Gul

ROTARY Ride For Rescue | Cypress Mountain Hill Climb 2019 Selin Gul 2019-10-07 07:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation | In Memory of Don Evans


Our Past Governor, Don Evans passed away suddenly.

He left us with great memories, knowledge, patience and most importantly "Vision".

I learned the true meaning of vision from Don. He was an amazing man with a stellar personality. Don's 12 minutes video in our Club's Channel regarding the Rotary Foundation; I believe that it is the greatest and fastest explanation about the Rotary Foundation that I have ever heard, I am so glad I record it, and now on all the Rotarians have the chance to listen and learn from Don. 


With all my respect,

Matt Gul 


The  Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise


Rotary Foundation | In Memory of Don Evans Selin Gul 2019-10-07 07:00:00Z 0

Welcome to our Club

Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who come together to make positive, and lasting change in communities both at home, and abroad. Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotarians have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.
Our motto is  "Service above Self"
Our guiding principals have always been the foundation of our values: Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity, and Leadership.
Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues, including but not limited to:
  • Promotion of peace
  • Fighting disease, particularly polio
  • Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
  • Saving and helping mothers and children
  • Supporting education and literacy
  • Helping to grow local economies in the Third World
The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise has been serving our Community and beyond since 1989
We meet at Capilano Golf & Country Club, 420 Southborough Dr., West Van., BC., V7T1M2. T: 604 922 9331 on Thursdays 7 for 7.15 am  and the meetings run to 8.30 am
For more information contact:  Visitors are always welcome
 Instagram       Youtube   
Twitter          Facebook
Welcome to our Club Dan Gilmour 2018-02-10 08:00:00Z 0
Club members visit Bowen Island 2017-09-27 07:00:00Z 0
Chris Loat honoured by the club 2017-09-08 07:00:00Z 0
Rotarian of the Month - Judith Harder 2017-06-08 07:00:00Z 0

Interactors donate to Shelter Box

Ella Dong, Alexandra He, Sophie Kenny, Jasmine Yang
Members of Rockridge School Interact Club
present cheque for $1,000 to Shelter box to :
Club President Mark Ferarri, Youth Chair Ardath Paxton-Mann and club member and Shelter Box liason Chris Loat
Interactors donate to Shelter Box 2017-06-08 07:00:00Z 0

Operation Red Nose

Rotarians and volunteers on the North Shore
getting people and their vehicles home safe during the
Christmas season.
Follow the link for more info
Operation Red Nose 2016-12-01 00:00:00Z 0

December is Family Month!

Posted on Nov 30, 2016
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It's all about Family!!!Image

The true Rotary experience occurs when the flavour and dynamic of the club encourages and welcomes the involvement and participation of each members spouse and family as well as members of the clubs affiliated organizations.

The club itself and the projects it sponsors all benefit when each Rotarian and the entire "Rotary Family" fully participates in club activities.

A solid and successfully Rotary club is fostered by a regular lineup of fun fellowship functions, projects and parties that embrace the entire extended Rotary family, including the club sponsored Rotaract and Interact clubs.

Each year the importance of the Rotary Family is honoured and recognized during the month of December.

December is Family Month! 2016-12-01 00:00:00Z 0

November is Foundation Month

Posted by Vicki Haller on Oct 31, 2016
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History of The Rotary Foundation

At the 1917 convention, outgoing RI President Arch C. Klumph proposed to set up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” In 1928, it was renamed The Rotary Foundation, and it became a distinct entity within Rotary International.

Growth of the Foundation


In 1929, the Foundation made its first gift of $500 to the International Society for Crippled Children. The organization, created by Rotarian Edgar F. “Daddy” Allen, later grew into Easter Seals.

When Rotary founder Paul Harris died in 1947, contributions began pouring in to Rotary International, and the Paul Harris Memorial Fund was created to build the Foundation.

Evolution of Foundation programs


1947: The Foundation established its first program, Fellowships for Advance Study, later known as Ambassadorial Scholarships.

1965-66: Three programs were launched: Group Study Exchange, Awards for Technical Training, and Grants for Activities in Keeping with the Objective of The Rotary Foundation, which was later called Matching Grants.

1978: Rotary introduced the Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants. The first 3-H Grant funded a project to immunize 6 million Philippine children against polio.

1985: The PolioPlus program was launched to eradicate polio worldwide.

1987-88: The first peace forums were held, leading to Rotary Peace Fellowships.

2013: New district, global, and packaged grants enable Rotarians around the world to respond to the world’s greatest needs.

Since the first donation of $26.50 in 1917, the Foundation has received contributions totaling more than $1 billion








The Mission of The Rotary Foundation

The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

The Rotary Foundation helps fund our humanitarian activities, from local service projects to global initiatives. Your club or district can apply for grants from the Foundation to invest in projects and provide scholarships. The Foundation also leads the charge on worldwide Rotary campaigns such as eradicating polio and promoting peace. Rotarians and friends of Rotary support the Foundation’s work through voluntary contributions.


The Board of Trustees manages the business of the Foundation, led by the trustee chair. The Rotary International president-elect nominates the trustees, who are elected by the Rotary International Board of Directors. The trustee chair serves for one year and trustees serve for four years.

Learn more about Rotary's leadership.

Rotary support

Ask us about the Foundation at

November is Foundation Month Vicki Haller 2016-11-01 00:00:00Z 0

June is Fellowship Month

Posted on May 31, 2016
Rotary Fellowships are groups of Rotary members who
ď‚· Share a common interest in recreational activities, sports, hobbies, or professions
ď‚· Further their vocational development with others in the same profession or field
ď‚· Enhance their Rotary experience by exploring new opportunities and making connections around the world
ď‚· Each fellowship functions independently of Rotary International, establishing its own rules, dues requirements, and administrative structure
ď‚· Membership is open to Rotarians, their family members as well as participants and alumni of all Rotary and Foundation programs.
ď‚· Fellowships must have an international scope, with active members in at least three countries
ď‚· Enable Rotarians to make lasting friendships outside their own club, district, or country
ď‚· Contribute to the advancement of Rotary’s public image and identity
ď‚· Serve as an incentive for joining Rotary and for continuing as a member
Find a Rotary Fellowship that interests you at:
June is Fellowship Month 2016-06-01 00:00:00Z 0
John Weston Talks to the Club 2016-05-19 00:00:00Z 0

Honourary Club member Tiana Wong

Honourary Rotarian,  Tiana Wong tells the club this morning about the service project in India her grade 11 class from Collingwood School participated in this spring.
Honourary Club member Tiana Wong 2016-05-05 00:00:00Z 0
Jordan Bateman - Canadian Taxpayers Federation 2016-04-07 00:00:00Z 0
New Member Tim O'Brien, Classification Talk 2016-03-31 00:00:00Z 0

April is Magazine Month

Posted by Bob Michieli on Mar 29, 2016
Rotary Magazines: Getting the Word Out
(Article written by Dave Lorenzen - Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Sunrise)          


Rotary International News

April is Magazine Month, a time to celebrate the global network of Rotary’s official magazines, which provide valuable information to 1.2 million Rotarians.

The Rotary World Magazine Press consists of 32 magazines from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe that inform, inspire, and entertain in 23 languages. In addition to The Rotarian, Rotary’s English-language flagship publication, it offers magazines such as Vida Rotaria (Argentina), Rotary in Bulgaria, and The Rotary-no-Tomo (Japan).

The RI Bylaws require all club members to subscribe to The Rotarian or a Rotary regional magazine. Rotary leaders, district governors, and club presidents are encouraged to support magazine editors in their country or region by submitting story ideas, promoting readership, encouraging timely subscription payments, and assisting with other communication efforts.

Look for a new international supplement edition in the pages of The Rotarian early in the 2008-09 Rotary year. The eight-page supplement, to be produced for all official Rotary magazines, will highlight Rotary’s work on the global stage. Ahmet Tükel, editor of Rotary Dergisi, the Turkish magazine, says the special edition represents a step forward. “The supplement will help promote a unified and global image of the organization,” he notes, “and show how collaboration of editors from different parts of the world can help put together a tool for communicating the strength and appeal of Rotary International.”

In January of 1911, a 12-page newsletter called The National Rotarian was published; it contained an essay by Paul Harris, “Rational Rotarianism,” along with club news and editorials. Of the new publication, Harris wrote: " The primary purpose of The National Rotarian is to provide a means for the exchange of ideas between Rotarians throughout the world, not to give the national officers an opportunity to express their views. These messages are not written merely to fill space; nevertheless we look forward to the day when they will be literally crowded out by surging mobs of virile Rotarian ideas struggling to be heard."

ImageToday, with Rotary’s club membership spanning more than 200 countries and geographical areas, the mandate of its publications is more complex, and more vital, than ever. The English-language flagship magazine, The Rotarian , is edited at RI headquarters in Evanston, Ill., USA, and has a circulation of about 500,000. Around the world, 31 more magazines are published in 24 other languages, for a total of 32 magazines published by the Rotary World Magazine Press, and a total circulation of about 1.25 million.

The RI Board of Directors has designated April of every year as Magazine Month. It is a time to recognize the role that our Rotary publications play in our Rotary lives – and the role that we should play in our publications. For the magazines to live up to Paul Harris’ original vision, it takes more than just an editorial staff: It also takes the good work of Rotarians. I always feel that the best part of reading any Rotary publication is the opportunity to find out what other clubs are doing. Each issue, each article, is a chance to be informed and inspired.

In an era when electronic communication seems to be everywhere, the role of the paper-and-ink magazine is still important to our organization. Rotary magazines provide us with an overview of what’s happening in different clubs and districts as well as important news and updates from RI headquarters. Even the many Rotarians who regularly visit will find something new in every issue.

It is a privilege today to be writing this message as Paul Harris once wrote his, and to see his vision of this publication – a magazine filled with the great ideas and great works of Rotarians – brought to life.

RVM collections

See Rotary's work around the world in the Rotary Video Magazine . Each collection features a variety of inspiring videos on topics ranging from literacy and hunger to polio and community service. Find a collection that's right for you.

April is Magazine Month Bob Michieli 2016-03-30 00:00:00Z 0

Go Play Better!!

Posted on Feb 24, 2016
Greg Sawer of Go Play Better,  "soon to be" Club Member Tim O'Brien, Go Play Better Founder Will Cromack and
Club President Judith Harder pose for a photo after the meeting
Will Cromack, president and founder of Go Play Better addressed the club this morning about his program.  
Will,  a life long athlete and coach saw both a need and an opportunity to teach kids not only fundamental athletic skills but more importantly Will wanted to influence the character, moral compass and compassion of these young athletes in a way that combined their love of sport and the opportunity to help their community.  For more information on the program follow the link
Go Play Better!! 2016-02-25 00:00:00Z 0

Jacci McTavish - Special Guest Speaker

Posted by Bob Michieli on Feb 17, 2016
Long time Rotarian, Jacci McTavish tells the club about her exciting life and times as a young girl growing up in Toronto to her storied business carrier.
Fellow Rotarian Esther DelVicario thanks Jacci.
Jacci McTavish - Special Guest Speaker Bob Michieli 2016-02-18 00:00:00Z 0

The Rotary Foundation and YOUR Estate Planning

Posted on Feb 10, 2016



District Representative and Past District Governor Chris Offer

Thanks Club Member Natalie Zigarick 

for including the Rotary Foundation in her estate plan


 Opportunities for estate plan gifting to the Rotary Foundation include:

  • A provision in a will including codicils
  • A provision in a trust
  • Insurance beneficiary designations
  • Real estate and other asset transfers
  • Gifts of retirement plan assets or other financial accounts
The Rotary Foundation and YOUR Estate Planning 2016-02-11 00:00:00Z 0

Business Opportunities - Northern BC

Posted by Bob Michieli on Feb 10, 2016
Ramona Materi
Ingenia Consulting
Ramona informed the club this morning about her consulting firm, Ingenia Consulting and the various business opportunities in Northern British Columbia.
Business Opportunities - Northern BC Bob Michieli 2016-02-11 00:00:00Z 0

Jason Bowman speaks to the club

Posted on Jan 27, 2016
Jason Bowman
Executive Director, Operations Strategy, BC Ferries
Club member and past club president Jason Bowman presented to the club this morning about the current and future direction of BC Ferrries.
Jason Bowman speaks to the club 2016-01-28 00:00:00Z 0

Robbie Burns Day Celebration

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jan 20, 2016
Club Member Scotty Grubb was born and raised in Scotland and is pretty much an expert on the topic of legendary poet and Scottish icon Robbie Burns.  Scotty educated us all with his knowledge on the topic and read a couple of Robbies more famous poems in the traditional Gaelic tongue.  Scotty went on to entertain us with stories of travelling around Scotland as a young boy while his step father recited and sang various Robbie Burns poems.
Scotty addresses the Haggis in ceremonial fashion
Ted MacCormack, Peggy Wilson, Scotty Grubb, Judith Harder, Jacci McTavish and Fred Mosely model their favourite Scottish tartan
Robbie Burns Day Celebration Bob Michieli 2016-01-21 00:00:00Z 0
Jenniffer Yankanna from CNIB speaks to the club 2016-01-14 00:00:00Z 0

District Governor John Anderson Visits Club

 Club President Judith Harder is joined by
District Governor John Anderson and his wife Claire as well as
Club Member and Past District Governor Ken Wilson and his wife Peggy Wilson
District Governor John Anderson honours
Club Member and Past District Governor Ken Wilson
for Ken's continued contribution and commitment to Rotary at the Club, District and most importantly the Community level
District Governor John Anderson recognizes the club for achieving the
Every Rotarian Every Year award
for 100% club member contribution to the Rotary Foundation in the 2014 - 2015 Rotary Year
Club President Judith Harder accepts award on behalf of the club and
Past President Ted MacCormac 
District Governor John Anderson Visits Club 2015-12-11 00:00:00Z 0
Club Member Chris Loat receives honour from the President 2015-11-26 00:00:00Z 0

Christopher Gaze - Bard on the Beach

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Apr 15, 2015



 Cheri Bird introduced today’s guest speaker: Founding Artisitic Director of Bard on the Beach Christopher Gaze OBC. Vancouver’s Bard on the Beach Shakespeare festival began in 1990 with a budget of $35000.00. Christopher Gaze and his colleagues had a vision to bring the wonders of Shakespeare to Vancouver and ultimately all of British Columbia. As Christopher notes, through dozens of adages, clichĂ©s, and sayings: the immortal Bard has touched every English speaker on the planet. From its modest beginning the festival now has an annual budget of $6,000,000.00 and last year was attended by 101,000 persons. The festival is staged by a dedicated group of professionals and volunteers annually at Vanier park in Vancouver. Total volunteer hours last year alone was 20,000. In addition to the annual festival Bard holds a 2 week theatre workshop for young people each year and brings Bard to over 200 school classrooms around the lower mainland (with the aim of going province wide). Of the 17 theatre companies in Canada with a budget of over $2,000,000.00 Bard on the Beach places last in funding with approximately $100,000.00 in grants. Fully 95% of the festival budget is earned revenue. The festival is now in the process of moving into its new production centre in the Olympic Village and gearing up for the 2015 season which runs from June to September. Jim W. thanked Christopher for joining us this morning. 

Christopher Gaze - Bard on the Beach Mark Ferrari 2015-04-15 07:00:00Z 0
Choices for Health and Well-being Bob Michieli 2015-03-05 00:00:00Z 0

March is Literacy Month

Posted by Bob Michieli on Feb 28, 2015
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Literacy is the ability to read, write and do basic math as well as to communicate, solve problems, learn and use technology.

Literacy is THE fundamental life skill necessary today for every human being to achieve personal and economic success.

Sadly, 800 million (1 in five) adults in the world today are functionally illiterate, Two thirds of these unfortunate people are concentrated in the eight  African and Asian countries of Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Nigeria and Pakistan.  There is also a gender bias with females representing the vast majority of the worlds’ illiterate.

Literacy skills open the door to education and thus enable people to overcome poverty, disease and to fulfill their potential.  Education and of course literacy is essential to improve the health and the life expectancy for the worlds’ poorest.  This confirmed by the fact that a child born to a literate mother is 50% more likely to survive past 5 years old.

The World Counsel on Literacy estimates the annual global cost of illiteracy to be a staggering $1.2 trillion.  Without a literate population of at least 40%, no country has ever achieved continuous and/or rapid economic growth.

The effects of illiteracy are not limited to third world and developing countries.  To study the impact of illiteracy we have to look no further than our own back yard.  Although Canada has one of the worlds most educated populations, over 40% of Canadian adults lack the literary skills for coping with everyday life and work, resulting in criminality, unemployment and poverty.  Within the justice system criminal offenders have literacy problems three times greater than the rest of the population and individuals serving prison sentences of two years or more have on average only a level of education of only grade 7.  In Canada an illiterate adult is twice as likely to be unemployed and three times more likely to rely on social assistance.  Also, 50% of people with low literacy skills live in poverty in contrast to the only 8% of people with high levels of literacy.

Rotary International coordinates, sponsors and facilitates over 50 education and literacy projects throughout the world at any time.  From building and renovating schools, providing books, computers and supplies and training teachers to providing ophthalmologic surgery to young children in India suffering from vision problems affecting their ability to read and learn.

The Rotary Club of West Vancouver annually provides financial support to the Samsara project in Thailand, building schools, teacher accommodations and fresh water systems.  Locally the club provides multiple post-secondary school scholarships to West Vancouver high school students.

March is Literacy Month Bob Michieli 2015-03-01 00:00:00Z 0

Welcome New Members

Posted by Bob Michieli on Feb 25, 2015


District Governor and Club Member

Ken Wilson

Welcomes our two newest members

Scotty Grubb and Helen Duke

Welcome New Members Bob Michieli 2015-02-26 00:00:00Z 0
Bill Archer - The history and future of Drones Mark Ferrari 2015-02-19 00:00:00Z 0

February is World Understanding Month

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jan 31, 2015
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The month of February is very special in the Rotary calendar since it is designated World Understanding Month. The month also includes the anniversary of the first meeting of Rotary held on February 23, 1905, now designated World Understanding and Peace Day.
In designating World Understanding Month, the Rotary International board asks all Rotary clubs to plan programs for their weekly meeting and undertake special activities to emphasize "understanding and goodwill as essential for world peace."
To observe this designated month, many clubs arrange international speakers, invite youth exchange students and international scholars from schools and universities to club meetings, plan programs featuring former Group Study Exchange team members, arrange discussions on international issues, present entertainment with an international cultural or artistic them and schedule other programs with an international emphasis.
Many clubs take the opportunity to launch an international community service activity or make contact with a Rotary club in another country is a good month to initiate a Rotary Fellowship Exchange, a 3-H project o encourage support for PolioPlus and other Rotary Foundation programs.
World Understanding Month is a chance for every club to pause, plan and promote the Fourth Avenue of Service-Rotary's continued quest for goodwill, peace and understanding among people of the world.

February is World Understanding Month Bob Michieli 2015-02-01 00:00:00Z 0

Rodrigo Gomez addresses the club on the issue of addictions

Posted by Ardath Paxton Mann on Jan 28, 2015


Judith Harder thanks Rodrigo for addressing the club this morning

Ardath introduced our guest speaker this morning:  Rodrigo Gomez, a concurrent disorders clinician who works at Stepping Stones Clinic in West Vancouver, and has a private practice as well.  Mr. Gomez earned a degree in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Mexico City.  In 2008 he moved to Canada and worked for 5 years in the Downtown Eastside at a Salvation Army treatment centre for addictions.

Mr. Gomez opened his presentation by a discussion of “what IS addiction?”  He said that different substances attract different personalities/characteristics/cultures.  He pointed out that for some people, substance abuse is part of that individual’s identity and key to their social relationships.  In order to recover, these people need to create entirely new identities.  He emphasized that the substance alone is NOT addictive the use, context and physiological response to the substance ARE.

Mr. Gomez discussed the effects of chemicals on the brain – particularly peptides……emotions such as anger and excitement work the same way in the brain as drugs……so, can a person become addicted to feelings instead of substances?  



Rodrigo Gomez addresses the club on the issue of addictions Ardath Paxton Mann 2015-01-29 00:00:00Z 0

Jackie Kloosterboer - Earthquake Preparedness

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jan 14, 2015




Jackie Kloosterboer 

(Coordinator - City of Vancouver Public Education Program)

Speaks to the club about the importance of 

Earthquake Preparedness

Are you Prepared?  

Do you have an up to date emergency/disaster kit? 

What would you do IF ....?

For tips and info ... North Shore Emergency Management Organization web site: 


get the book

My Earthquake Preparedness Guide   

by: Jackie Kloosterboer


Jackie Kloosterboer - Earthquake Preparedness Bob Michieli 2015-01-15 00:00:00Z 0
WVPD Chief Len Goerke addresses the club James Wright 2014-11-27 00:00:00Z 0

Club member Brian Kerr is honoured

Posted by Bob Michieli on Oct 22, 2014


District Governor Ken Wilson

and Assistant District Governor Terry Lehouillier 

bestow honour on club member

Brian Kerr

in recognition for Brian's significant financial contributions to the

Rotary Foundation

that qualify him to enter the exclusive

Paul Harris Society


Named after Rotary's founder, the Paul Harris Society recognizes Rotary members and friends of The Rotary Foundation who contribute $1,000 or more each year to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or approved global grants. The purpose of the Paul Harris Society is to honor and thank individuals for their generosity of annual support to The Rotary Foundation.

Club member Brian Kerr is honoured Bob Michieli 2014-10-23 00:00:00Z 0

District Governor Ken Wilson addresses the club

Posted by Bob Michieli on Oct 22, 2014



Club member Judith Harder thanks

District Governor 

(and fellow club member) 

Ken Wilson

following his club address Thursday,  October 23, 2014


District Governor Ken Wilson addresses the club Bob Michieli 2014-10-23 00:00:00Z 0
Club Member Gordon Bird gives classification talk Bob Michieli 2014-10-16 00:00:00Z 0

October is Vocational Service Month!

Posted by Bob Michieli on Sep 30, 2014
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The concept of Vocational Service is as follows:

  • living up to the highest ethical standard in your professional life
  • recognizing the worthiness of all useful occupations
  • dignifying each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to serve.  Whatever our profession we always have an opportunity to serve our community in some capacity.

Vocational Service is a fundamental component of being a true Rotarian. Why?...Because not only do we as Rotarians make an impact in the world by championing causes and helping others, we also have a responsibility to carry our good work into our own professional lives with integrity, honour, ethics and a strong moral compass.

So how can we foster this concept of Vocational Service?

  • by taking time to learn about your fellow Rotarians professions and encourage them to hold themselves to the highest ethical standard.
  • Use your professional skills to serve a community.
  • Practice your profession with integrity and inspire others to behave ethically.
  • Help a young person achieve his or her career aspirations.
  • Guide and encourage others in their professional development.

Two easy to use tools to use in your personal and professional lives:

1.  Remember the Four Way Test when making decisions.  Ask yourself these four questions:

  • Is it the Truth
  • Is it fair to all concerned
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendships
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned

2.  Understand and live by the Rotary Code of Conduct.

  • Have integrity in everything you do.
  • Use your talents and skills to serve Rotary
  • Conduct your business and personal life with integrity
  • Always be fair and respectful
  • Promote respect and recognition for all usefull occupations
  • Use your professional skills to help young people and improve the quality of life in your community.
  • Never do anything to bring shame to the Rotary Family.
  • Do NOT seek privledge or advantage from your Rotary relationships.


October is Vocational Service Month! Bob Michieli 2014-10-01 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Karen Harrison on Jun 15, 2014

poem Karen Harrison 2014-06-16 00:00:00Z 0
Rockridge Interact Club - Donation to Free the Children and Project Umoyo Bob Michieli 2014-06-05 00:00:00Z 0

Rockridge Interact Club - Shelter Box donation

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jun 04, 2014



Members of the Rockridge Interact Club

Present cheque in support of

Shelter Box

to Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise members

Ardath Paxton-Mann and Chris Loat

Rockridge Interact Club - Shelter Box donation Bob Michieli 2014-06-05 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener May 29, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on May 28, 2014
story thumbnail

Eye Opener


Mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Proceedings of the meeting of May 29, 2014

O Canada


Invocation:  Sam


Guests/Visitors:  Mary Lee Stephenson-Art from the Edge.





  • President Robert introduced today’s guest speaker former Club member Mary Lee Stephenson. Mary Lee spoke today about the on-line art gallery she has created: Indian Art from the Edge. The website carries the art created by First Nations artists living in the Downtown East Side. The gallery contrasts the beauty of the art with the ugliness of the lives lived by many of the artists. Mary Lee created the site to ensure that the artists were properly compensated for their work, retained copyright over it and received royalties for any reproduction of the art. Mary Lee says that the project has taught her quite a bit about the First Nations peoples, their sense of time and dependability, their experiences as ‘urban Indians’ and the sometimes ugly nature of their lives. All artists involved in the project receive fair market value for their works and Mary Lee ensures that they retain the copyright and receive royalties for any further use. Mark F. thanked Mary Lee for coming to visit todaty.


Club Business:

  • Rotary Moment: Tara O’. spoke a bit about the Rotary Foundation. The Foundation expends 89% of its’ revenue on Service programs, only 2% of expenditures are for administration and 9% are for fund-raising. These figures rank the RI Foundation as one of the top in the world for effectiveness, transparency and accountability. Top contributors to the Foundation are: USA, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, with Canada ranked number 2 for Rotary per-member contributions For more information google Charity Navigator.

District Conference: President Robert summarized 

  • the event for the Club and praised the organizers and venue as top rate. In addition our Club received a District Presidential Citation with Distinction and the Significant Achievement Award.
  • Rotary Ride: Karen H. reports that: sign-ups are increasing and more teams are being added, the Wedgewood Cycling Team is promoting the event to other teams, social media is proving to be very effective in spreading the word, a photographer is needed for the event as well as shuttle drivers, and lots of prizes are being donated.
  • Jacci M. is collecting toiletries for Magdalene Leung’s Orphanage project in South Africa so clean out your cabinets of all those unused items and bring them in for re-gifting.
  • The Club will cancel the meetings of June 26th and July 10th so that members can attend our Club installation dinner and Ken Wilson’s induction as District 5040 Governor
  • Happy/Sad/50/50: thanks to all members for their contributions.


Meeting adjourned.

Eye Opener May 29, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-05-29 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener May 22, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on May 21, 2014
story thumbnail

Eye Opener


Mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Proceedings of the meeting of May 22, 2014

O Canada


Invocation:  Sam


Guests/Visitors:  Les Staff CTV News Director.





  • Ardath P-M introduced today’s guest speaker CTV News director Les Staff. Mr. Staff is a graduate of Mt. Royal College Calgary and worked in media news in Saskatchewan and Ontario before coming to British Columbia. Les began by telling us how the media market is changing with the advent of the internet and new technology. Interest in news is now focussed on content and as such the content must be relevant and timely for the consumer. Since his appointment Les has concentrated the CTV Vancouver news efforts on: local breaking news. This focus on information has paid off with an annual increase of viewers of 32% in the local market. Mr.Staff notes that 1 rating point in our local market translates into approximately $5 million dollars in advertising revenue annually. Les has a staff of 143 people in Vancouver. Judith H. thanked Les for joining us this morning.


Club Business:

  • Rotary Moment: Brian K. reminded us about Rotary Fellowship groups: from sailing to skiing, motorcycling and travel there is likely a Fellowship group that would interest you. The groups are a great way to make new friends and have new experiences and adventure. For more information to to
  • Rotary Ride: Karen H. notes that once again Dr. Joe del Vicario and his St. Paul’s OR Team (SPORT) is one of the leaders in fundraising for the Ride. Sign-ups are ahead of last year at this time and additional volunteers will likely be needed on June 7th so invite friends and family to come out and help make the event the most successful ever.

Happy/Sad/50/50: it all adds up to make our 

  • Service efforts more successful.


Meeting adjourned.

Eye Opener May 22, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-05-22 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener May 15, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on May 14, 2014
story thumbnail

Eye Opener

Mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Proceedings of the Meeting of May 15, 2014


O Canada


Invocation:  Sam







  • Elizabeth Rose and Danny Birch from the Nurse Next Door organization spoke to us this morning. Elizabeth began by noting that: 17% of Canadians are senior citizens and that number will increase to 25% within 20 years, 25% of Canadian families support a senior for at least 20 hours per week and 60% of family caregivers have full time jobs as well. Nurse Next Door was created to address these growing numbers. Founded in 2001 and franchised in 2007 Nurse Next Door is now found in over 60 communities nation wide. The organization was created to help keep clients independent in their own homes, active and engaged. Nurse Next Door also works in the neo-natal and child care areas. The caregiving companions provided by the company work with each client as needed: this includes live-in, daily, part time or as often as needed. Caregivers also travel with clients if necessary. All Nurse Next Door caregivers are screened, bonded and insured. Cost for the service are based on the level and amount of care needed and can be subsidized depending on the type of care or services provided. Brian K. thanked Elizabeth and Danny.


Club Business:

  • Rotary Moment: Samsara profile: the Samsara Society has been our Club partner in our projects in Thailand. The society works with local contractors in Thailand to ensure the viability, transparency and accountability of all projects undertaken. Samsara has been the overseer of 41 school dormitory constructions, 25 canteens, 5 libraries and 73 school water purification system installations.

This Sunday volunteers are needed to participate in 

Eye Opener May 15, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-05-15 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener May 8, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on May 07, 2014
story thumbnail


Eye Opener

Mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Proceedings of the Meeting of May 8, 2014

O Canada


Invocation:  Sam


Guests/Visitors:  Jason Westlake





  • Karen H. introduced today’s speaker Business Coach and Trainer Jason Westlake. Mr. Westlake’s business takes clients to the Amazon rain forest and trains them in the skills of decision making and problem solving. Jason’s recalls that his first trip to the jungle was filled with the fear of everything, the jungle, the animals and the insects. He had volunteered for a scientific research expedition and the two month experience changed his life. Jason was overwhelmed by the lushness of life there; the animals, insects, reptiles and plants all combined to created an environment that filled him with awe and energy. Seeing the potential of giving the experience to others Jason formed his company. The expeditions teach business people to accept their intuitions and how to survive through teamwork, cooperation and problem solving. Participants in the expedition learn to accept the physical perils and the pleasures of the environment, and this acceptance improves their judgement and problem solving abilities and leads to better decision making. Brian K. thanked Jason.


Club Business:

  • Rotary Moment: Esther Del V. brought us up to date on the PolioPlus campaign. Some setbacks have occurred due to the continued unrest in the Middle East , parts of SE Asia and Africa. Because of the conflict in Syria Polio is threatening to spread to surrounding countries in the Levant while resistance to the immunization program has meant new cases in countries such as Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Cameroon and Ethiopia.

Brian K. spoke briefly about the National Day of Honour for Canadian troops that participated in the 

  • Afghanistan campaign. Prior to Canada’s involvement in the region there were only 700,000 Afghanis in school, none of them women. Thanks to the efforts of the Canadian military there are now 6,000,000 Afghanis attending schools and 30% are women. In addition 66% of the population now has access to medical care in the area in which they live.
  • Karen H. asks that all Club members advise her of their availability for the Ride for Rescue June 7th.
  • Happy/Sad/50/50: everyone is a winner.


Meeting adjourned.


Eye Opener May 8, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-05-08 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener May 1, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Apr 30, 2014
story thumbnail

Eye Opener

mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Proceedings of the meeting on:


Invocation:  Sam







  • Club Members Christopher L. and Guillermo S. led the Club today in an exploration of social media and its’ uses. Christopher led the meeting through the various applications and websites that can be used to spread information and increase awareness about our Club and the projects we are doing. Christopher and Guillermo showed us how the various social media sites can be used to reach out to  a target audience through ever widening circles by linking people and organisations to each other through the connections made by the different sites and services. Using sites such as Face Book, Twitter , Hoot Suite and Instagram messages and information can be distributed and shared by an exponentially increasing number of people. Guillermo and Christopher demonstrated how use of these various services can spread our message and increase our effectiveness when doing projects such as the Rotary Ride.


Club Business:

  • Rotary Moment: Club member Jim W. told us about   Rotary fundraisers in Arizona to benefit the PolioPlus campaign. Bicycle racing (sound familiar?) has taken Arizona by storm with Rotary fundraisers being held in both Phoenix and Tucson, the roadracing events have raised millions of dollars to benefit the Polio campaign.
  • Here at home Rotary Ride organiser Karen H. reminded the Club that our marketing campaign is busy raising awareness with volunteers handing out promotional material on popular cycling routes and various cycle shops around our community. Volunteers will be needed for the campaign through May so please advise Karen when you can help out.

50/50/happy/sad: when you’re happy: give a little, 

  • when you’re sad: give a little, it will always make you feel better…..if you’re desperate gamble, it may make you feel better.


Meeting adjourned.





Eye Opener May 1, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-05-01 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Ride for Rescue Guillermo Schwartz 2014-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

District conference

Posted by Bob Michieli on Apr 30, 2014


Cut and paste the link below into your browser for a short video about the conference presented by DG Gary Shearer

District conference Bob Michieli 2014-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener April 24, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Apr 23, 2014
story thumbnail


Eye Opener

mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise


Proceedings of the meeting on:


O Canada


Invocation:  Sam


Guests/Visitors:  Lisa Hubbard





  • Club member Karen H. introduced today’s guest speaker Lisa Hubbard, Executive Director of North Shore Neighbourhood House. NSNH was started in 1939 by Hugh and Rose Beattie as a community centre for their neighbourhood. The organisation has grown into the largest of its’ kind on the north shore. NSNH has 700 volunteers and 122 employees operating 15 separate locations in North and West Vancouver. The range of services offered by NSNH range from child care to health and fitness programs for all ages, nutrition and recreation programs, seniors services, support for parents, grandparents, multicultural programs and help for new Canadians. NSNH is the largest provider of child care services in our community with 14 licensed locations. The organisation’s aim is to promote community safety, integration and advocacy and build a better, safer community. The core funding for NSNH is 7.5 million dollars annually from the City of North Vancouver. Christopher L. thanked Lisa for speaking to us this morning.


Club Business:

  • Rotary Moment: Judith H. spoke about the advances made in the fight against Poliomyelitis. The World Health Oganisation has recently declared SE Asia to be free of the epidemic.
  • Rotary Ride: registration has begun, there is good social media coverage and it is increasing steadily, volunteers are needed for promotional material distribution. Karen H. will be coordinating volunteers.
  • Next week Christopher L. and Guillermo S. will present a short seminar on leveraging social media for our Service projects.
  • 50/50/happy/sad/fines: We’re all happy, we’re all fine, everything else is 50/50.

    Meeting adjourned.



Eye Opener April 24, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-04-24 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener April 17, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Apr 16, 2014
story thumbnail

Past President Brian Kerr addressed the Club this morning, the topic: How the Battle of Vimy Ridge united Canada. During the first World War Canada’s population was only 7.5 million people but the nation’s contribution of fighting men and women was well above the per capita contributions of all allied nations. The war was called ‘the war to end all wars’ and it was an horrific and brutal one. The conditions in the trenches were cold, wet, filthy and rat infested. The Canadians took the battle of Vimy Ridge after other allied troops had tried. The Canadian triumph came from a combination of better communications, more planning and rehearsal, higher troop awareness of plans and objectives, a great amount of intelligence on enemy strength and disposition, and more advanced strategies in the prosection of battlefield tactics. After a seven day artillery barrage the Canadian soldiers advanced on enemy trenches following a ‘creeping barrage’. Within two hours two Canadian divisions had achieved there objectives and the battle was soon won. As a result of Canadian participation in the war as an independent nation and because of the esprit and courage shown by Canadian soldiers the nation back home developed a keen sense of itself as a dominion and no longer a colony.

Club Business:

·           Rotary Moment: Past President Ardath spoke this morning about New Generations. Ardath took time to remind us of our obligation to encourage and mentor young people. The Club this year is sponsoring Adventures in Citizenship, RYLA, and youth participation in the upcoming District Conference. Rockridge Interact is extremely active: Xmas fundraiser sent $2000.00 to ShelterBox, service work in the Downtown East Side, participation in the Rotary Ride as volunteers and riders!

·           ADG Terry le Houllier joined us today to remind the Club of the upcoming LionsGate Rotary Fashion show to benefit the Bali school project. The four year project will be complete in 2015. The Fashion Show is May 8th, Lexus Showroom at the North Van Automall. Tickets available through any LG Rotarian.

·           Rotary Ride: Once again Cowboy Coffee has stepped up to the plate with another great sponsorship contribution, the promo material is ready and being distributed, volunteers please stay in touch with Karen H. regarding flyer distributions.

·           Club Induction Dinner: June 26th, West Vancouver Yacht Club.

·           Happy/Sad/Fines: we gave till it felt good.

Eye Opener April 17, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-04-17 00:00:00Z 0
MLA Ralph Sultan addresses the Club March 20, 2014 Bob Michieli 2014-03-20 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener January 23, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Jan 22, 2014
story thumbnail

Eye Opener

mouthpiece of the

  Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise



Proceedings of the meeting on:




O Canada

Invocation:  Gordon and Sam

Guests/Visitors:  Special visitors today: Peggy Wilson and Jason Bowman with daughter Courtenay. Roger Wong, President, Rotary Club Vancouver Chinatown.


Speaker: President Robert introduced Rotary Summer Youth Exchange participant Courtenay Bowman. Courtenay represented our Club and Canada in a recent trip to the Czech Republic. Courtenay was the guest of a Czech family in the city of Prague. This Gothic city is one of the most beautiful in Europe. Courtenay spoke about the beautiful architecture of the city and the colourful homes contrasting with drab Soviet era buildings. There was a bit of a language barrier at first but through everyday life and touring around sightseeing Courtenay and her host family soon developed great communication. The beautiful country side with castles and cabins was explored and Courtenay spent much time exploring the wonders of Prague. Courtenay thanked the Club for the opportunity to participate in the exchange.

Club Business:

·      Pres. Roger Wong (RC Van Chinatown) invited one and all to the annual Chinese New Year celebration and fundraiser, once again at Floata Restaurant on Valentine’s Day!! Feb. 14th. Along with the twelve course meal, celebrants will be entertained with cultural entertainers and artists. Info on ticket sales will be sent to the membership.

·      Rotary WineFest 2013: President Robert presented himself (and the Club) with a cheque for $4000.00 as the proceeds from the event! Thanks to all who did such great work on the event!

·      Tim Jones Memorial Service this Saturday at the Centennial Arena, North Vancouver.

·      A PolioPlus Pot-luck will be scheduled likely for April.



·      Rotary Foundation Annual Dinner: tickets still available.

·      Members are reminded that the regular meeting of Feb. 6th will be held at the Better Meals facility in Burnaby, host Sam Chan will circulate directions to his office and members are urged to carpool where possible.

·      50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned.


Eye Opener January 23, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-01-23 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener January 16, 2014

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Jan 15, 2014
story thumbnail

Eye Opener


mouthpiece of the

  Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise



Proceedings of the meeting on:




O Canada

Invocation:  Sam and Gordon.

Guests/Visitors:  Russell Sho, Otto Rieve.


Speaker: President Robert introduced Club member Gordon Bird. Gordon’s topic this morning was Insurance. Gordon covered the three main reasons or needs for insurance that most people encounter. Motor vehicle insurance is a must for all, Gordon cautions that a minimum of $2 million liability is prudent, that vehicle owners must apprise themselves on the insurance caveats regarding 2nd or 3rd drivers and to always consult a legal professional in the event of an accident. Homeowners should be aware that a replacement value listed on a policy may not be a realistic estimate of the cost to rebuild and to guide themselves accordingly. Finally on travel insurance Gordon advises consulting an insurance specialist when purchasing this type of coverage as travel-agent purchased policies may not cover many types of situations, this is especially important when purchasing travel-health policies.

Club Business:

·      President Robert welcomed one and all to the meeting.

·      Rotary Moment: the Club briefly noted the eradication of Polio from India after three years of zero new infections. The various Rotary community groups were in the spotlight today.

·      Ms. Norrish from Covenant House has contacted the Club to thank us for the opportunity to speak and to ask for our support for their work. The Club will be discussing the matter and extending an invitation to the Rockridge Interact Club to consider support also.

·      Work parties on the Rotary traffic circle garden will resume again this year.

       The annual Rotary International Significant Achievment Awards are being prepared for 2013- 

·      2014, the Club will be submitting a report on our activities.

·      Members are reminded of this year’s District Conference May 22nd in Squamish.

·      50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned.





Eye Opener January 16, 2014 Mark Ferrari 2014-01-16 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Bob Michieli on Dec 26, 2013

Attention all members and guests

Please be advised of our temporary meeting location :

West Vancouver

Seniors Activity Center

Marine Room

(outside entrance adjacent to activity center parking)

695  21st street

(corner of Marine Drive and 21st street)

West Vancouver

 for the following Thursday mornings :

January 9, 16, 23, 30 and February 13

7:00am - 8:30am

Special Meeting:  February 6th !!

Best Meals

(Sam Chans' business location)

5742 Beresford Street


7:30am - 8:30 am

(attendance limited to club members)

TEMPORARY MEETING RELOCATION!! Bob Michieli 2013-12-27 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener Dec 19, 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Dec 18, 2013


Eye Opener

mouthpiece of the

  Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

O Canada

Invocation:  Sam

Guests/Visitors:  Dr. Ross Lockhart, friends and family members of the Club, Season’s Greetings to all and thanks for joining us!


Speaker: Past President Ardath Paxton-Mann introduced the Reverend Dr. Ross Lockhart, West Vancouver United Church. Today Dr. Lockhart took us on an historical journey from St. Nicholas to Santa Claus. The historical St. Nicholas was born in Turkey in the 3rd century c.e. to a wealthy family. The child was orphaned at a young age and was left with considerable wealth. Growing up St. Nicholas used his means to help the sick and needy around him and ministered to all. The Church made him the Bishop of Myra at a very young age. Nicholas was persecuted by the Roman emperor Diocletian during his life and died on Dec. 6th, now St. Nicholas’ Day. Moving forward to the 19th century we see the beginnings of the ‘elfin’ image of who we now call Santa Claus. The character described by Washington Irving in the 1800’s evolved into the stereotypical image we have today, standardized by the image produced by the Coca Cola company in the 1920’s. The nature of the holiday surrounding St. Nicholas and Santa Claus has evolved as well, from a simple celebration of the birth of Jesus to the tradition of gift giving first started by St. Nicholas in the 3rd century. Brian Kerr thanked Ross for speaking to us today.

Club Business:

·      President Robert bade one and all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year and added an interesting bit of trivia: the Club was chartered Dec. 6th 1989, St. Nicholas’ Day.

·      President Robert thanked the Club for all the good work done at the Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon

Club member and DGE Ken Wilson inducted a new member into the Rotary Club of West Vancouver


·      Sunrise this morning: Guillermo Schwartz. Guillermo was proposed for membership and sponsored by Club member Bob Michieli. Guillermo: welcome to the Club and we are all very grateful for your commitment to Service and the Club.

·      Sgt. at Arms Gordon Bird worked the crowd, cajoling happy and sad dollars, levying fines and all in the spirit of the season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Meeting adjourned.

Eye Opener Dec 19, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-12-19 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Dec 11, 2013


Eye Opener

mouthpiece of the  Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise


O Canada

Invocation:  Sam

Guests/Visitors:  Trillian Mitchell


Speaker: Club Member Don Mitchell proudly introduced today’s Guest Speaker his daughter Trillian Mitchell. Trillian came today to tell us about her experience at RYLA North 2013 held at Ness Lake in the Prince George area. Trillian’s weekend began on Friday with a meet and greet and a welcome from Rotary DG 5040 Garry Shearer. On Saturday the 25 delegates began with a ‘networking workshop’.  The curriculum for the weekend was designed to promote leadership skills and give participants the tools to achieve. Trillian spoke about how the RYLA program  gave the candidates a greater perception of how to: set goals based on your passions, discover other vocational options and fields, and realize how much potential lies in the future. The RYLA facilitators urged the participants to keep a healthy perspective on life, create a ‘bucket list’, to realize that things don’t always work out as planned and most of all to accept and enjoy the journey. Gordon Bird thanked Trillian for speaking to us today.

Club Business:

·      Seniors Christmas Luncheon this Saturday at the WVSAC, 21st and Marine. Set-up 09:00h.

·      Christmas Social at the del Vicario residence this Saturday, 18:30h.

·      ORN the Club night went well with approximately $1500.00 raised. Thanks to all who helped out and made it another fun evening

·      50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers

Meeting adjourned.

Eye Opener Mark Ferrari 2013-12-12 00:00:00Z 0

ORN - 2013 volunteer package

Posted by Bob Michieli on Nov 14, 2013
story thumbnail

Operation Red Nose 2013

Operation Red Nose is a free, designated-driver service which
helps to keep our community safe during the holiday season. For the thirteenth year, Operation Red Nose on the North Shore is brought to you by the North Shore Rotary Clubs:

  • Rotary Club of North Vancouver
  • Rotary Club of North Vancouver Lions Gate
  • Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise
  • Rotary Club of Bowen Island

What are the dates and times of operation for 2013?

The service is available from 9 pm to 3 am November 29 & 30, December 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, and 31st. Call 604-619-0942 between 9 pm and
3 am for service on the North Shore or Bowen Island. For other locations, call 1-877-604-6673 (1-877-604-NOSE). Please note that these numbers are only operational on the nights that service is available.

How can you volunteer?

The service is dependent on volunteers. You can help by volunteering yourself or, better still, volunteer as part of a team of three consisting of the driver, the escort driver, and the navigator, or volunteer to help at the headquarters dispatch centre.

To volunteer, download the volunteer forms. As in past years, all volunteer drivers will need to have record checks done by the RCMP to ensure the safety of all Red Nose clients and volunteers. Please complete the forms and take them with 2 pieces of photo ID to the North Vancouver RCMP Detachment at 147 East 14th Street or the RCMP Detachment on Bowen Island. After the RCMP record check is completed, the Rotary volunteer administrator will confirm receipt of the application.

If you have questions about volunteering, call Yazdi at 778-288-8996 or by email at

Who are the Provincial Sponsors

Operation Red Nose is sponsored provincially by ICBC Road Sense and TELUS and BC Liquor Stores.

Who are the North Shore Sponsors

Thank you to the North Shore sponsors who make this program possible. The following sponsors, in conjunction with the provincial sponsors, provide services that make this program possible: the North Shore News, the North Vancouver RCMP detachment, Destination Chrysler North Shore and Tim Horton’s. We are also very grateful to the many generous sponsors who provide additional funding. The sponsors this year include BlueShore Financial, Prudential Sussex Realty, British Pacific Properties, City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, District of West Vancouver and North Shore Studios as well as many local pubs and restaurants. If you would like to be a sponsor for 2013, please contact Brian at 604-981-6667.

How does it work?

The Operation Red Nose service is provided by a team of three volunteers who pick up the motorist and his/her vehicle. Two of the three volunteers ride with the client in his/her vehicle while the third volunteer follows them in his/her own car. These volunteers are the volunteer driver, the navigator and the escort driver. The “driver” drives the client car; the “navigator” accompanies the driver, answers client questions about the service, and prepares the receipt; the “escort driver” picks up the other two volunteers at the client’s destination and drives them to another client location or back to the headquarters. On the North Shore, the "headquarters" location is at the ICBC Claim Centre at 255 Lloyd Avenue, North Vancouver.

Who can use the service?

The Red Nose service is not intended just for people who have been drinking alcohol. Any person who doesn't feel up to driving, due to fatigue or for other reasons, may call on the services of Operation Red Nose. The only requirement is that the client must have a vehicle at the time of the call. In other words: no vehicle, no service. Operation Red Nose is not a taxi service, but rather a volunteer designated-driver service for motorists and their vehicles. If you have guests accompanying you, you need to have enough seat belts to accommodate yourself (car owner), your guests, and two Red Nose volunteers.

What areas are included in the “North Shore” and Bowen Island?

This region covers the whole North Shore including West Vancouver, Deep Cove, and Horseshoe Bay along with the City and District of North Vancouver and rides on Bowen Island.

How do I contact Operation Red Nose?

To reach Operation Red Nose on the North Shore for service on any of the operational nights, call: 604-619-0942 from 9 pm until 3 am.

Please note that this number is for use ONLY on the nights of operation. An alternate number is 1-877-604-6673 (1-877-604-NOSE).

Is Operation Ned Nose available in other locations?

Operation Red Nose is available in thirteen other regions of BC including Abbostford/Mission; Burnaby, Chilliwack; Coquitlam/Tri-Cities ; Delta/Richmond; Langley/Surrey; New Westminster; Kamloops; Nanaimo; Prince George, Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows, and Williams Lake. Call 1-877-604-6673 (1-877-604-NOSE) to reach any of these locations.

How much does it cost?

The service is free; however, donations are gratefully accepted. All proceeds are used to support programs for youth on the North Shore.

Can I book ahead for a specific time?

Unfortunately, no, we cannot accommodate booking ahead.

As a volunteer, do I need to use my car?

Escort drivers are asked to use their own cars. Destination Chrysler does provide a courtesy car which is available for use by the “escort drivers” on a first come basis. You will be compensated for gas costs if requested.

How can you help?

You can help in several ways:

  • Volunteer as a designated or escort driver, a navigator, or an assistant in the dispatch centre.
  • Become a corporate sponsor.
  • Use the service when you are out celebrating.

How can local businesses support Operation Red Nose?

  • Become a corporate sponsor to help offset the costs of providing this service. All our ORN staff are volunteers, and all the proceeds fund youth programs on the North Shore.
  • Tell your employees about the service.
  • Promote the use of the service at your own company holiday events.
  • Encourage your staff and co-workers to volunteer. Better still, host one of the nights with several volunteer teams.

Volunteering is a very rewarding and fun experience.

What are the statistics for 2012 ?

In 2012, North Shore volunteers provided 305 safe rides. They contributed 300 volunteer nights, drove a total of 6,000 kilometers and raised over $18,000 to support youth programs on the North Shore. In BC overall, 4,555 volunteers provided 8,082 safe rides and raised over $191,000 to support youth programs in BC. In all of Canada, 58,319 volunteers provided 87,761 safe rides and raised $1,500,000 for youth programs across the country.

What is the history of Operation Red Nose?

Operation Red nose was started in Quebec in 1984 as a creative way to raise funds and support amateur sports by Dr. Jean-Marie De Koninck, coach of the University of Laval swim team. 2013 will be the 30th year of operation. It has since expanded to other cities in Canada and in Europe. See the web site for more history.

Additional Information

For more information about the program, please contact Jim by phone at 604-837-2362 or by email

For more information or questions about how you can volunteer please contact us at

You can also check us out on Facebook at

ORN - 2013 volunteer package Bob Michieli 2013-11-15 00:00:00Z 0
Meeting November 7, 2013 Donald Mitchell 2013-11-07 00:00:00Z 0
Meeting October 31 2013 Donald Mitchell 2013-10-31 00:00:00Z 0
Eye Opener, October 17, 2013 Donald Mitchell 2013-10-17 00:00:00Z 0
Eye Opener, October 9, 2013 Donald Mitchell 2013-10-09 00:00:00Z 0
Eye Opener, October 3, 2013 Donald Mitchell 2013-10-03 00:00:00Z 0
The Eye Opener - September 26, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-09-26 00:00:00Z 0
The Eye Opener - September 19, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-09-19 00:00:00Z 0
Eye Opener, August 29, 2013 Donald Mitchell 2013-09-13 00:00:00Z 0
The Eye Opener - September 12, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-09-12 00:00:00Z 0
Eye Opener, August 22, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-08-22 00:00:00Z 0
Eye Opener, August 15, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-08-15 00:00:00Z 0
Meeting August 1, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-08-01 00:00:00Z 0
Meeting July 25, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-07-25 00:00:00Z 0
Meeting July 18, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-07-18 00:00:00Z 0
Meeting July 11, 2011 Mark Ferrari 2013-07-11 00:00:00Z 0
Meeting July 4 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-07-04 00:00:00Z 0
Meeting 13/06/27 Mark Ferrari 2013-06-27 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise Installation of Officers 2013-2014 Peggy Wilson 2013-06-18 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club West Vancouver Sunrise - Service Committee Report 2013 Brian Martin 2013-06-18 00:00:00Z 0
New Generations 2013 Annual Report Karen Harrison 2013-06-18 00:00:00Z 0
Eye Opener - June 6 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-06-06 00:00:00Z 0
Eye Opener - May 30, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-05-30 00:00:00Z 0

The Eye Opener - May 23 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on May 22, 2013

- President Ardath welcome one and all to breakfast.

- Rotary Moment: Club member etc Ken W. recapped this years' Dist. 5040 Conference in Quesnel. This year the approximately 200 attendees met in the heart of the province, many local venues in and around Quesnel provided the settings for the various conference events and sessions. The Conference also hosted the Walk for Polio and Ken reports the entire weekend was a great success.

- The Rockridge Interact Club received a Rotary Presidential Citation at the Rotary District Conference this year.


- Our Club's Rotary Ride for Rescue is scheduled for June 8th, Ride organizers will be approaching Club members with their assignments over the next while. We will need all hands for this so clear your calendar for the day and help your Club do some great work.

- Club members will be manning the Club information table at West Vancouver Community day on Saturday June 1st. Member Sam C. and his crew will need our help to get the word out. Ambleside Park West Vancouver 10am to 4pm.

- DGE and Club member Ken W. and Club President Ardath P-M. today honoured the youngest member of the Sunrise Rotary Family:


Teanna Wong was the recipient of a Paul Harris Fellowship. Teanna received the Fellowship for her committment to Service and the ideals of Rotary. On hand to witness the honour were Teanna's parents Daniel and Euna Wong as well as the Headmaster of Collingwood School Rodger Wright.


Congratulations to Teanna from all her fellow Sunrisers, well deserved.


- Club Member Esther Del V. introduced todays' guest speaker: 


British Pacific Properties Vice President of Development Geoff Croll. 

Mr. Croll began with a brief outline of the history of BPP here in our community. From 1931 to the present day BPP has, more than any other corporate entity, been an integral part of the history of modern day West Vancouver. Beginning with the construction of the Lions Gate Bridge and the development of the British Properties neighbourhood along with the Capilano G&CC, the company then moved on to develop the Park Royal Mall shopping centre and the Park Royal Towers apartment complex. BPP's latest project is located in the Rogers Creek area of Hollyburn Mountain. The development area is 6000 acres in size and will be comprised of six separate community 'nodes' linked by a path network, the development will also have an amenities centre located adjacent to the West Vancouver municipal works yard. A total of 736 housing units will be built, of those 70% will be condo/apartments, 14% townhomes, 13% single family dwellings and 3% duplex or triplex structures. As 55% of the development will be green space the final effect will be of small mountainside villages linked to each other by a pedestrian/cycle path. Work has already begun on the project and some of the lots/structures have been presold. 

Sam C. thanked Geoff for joining us this morning.

- 50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned.


The Eye Opener - May 23 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-05-23 00:00:00Z 0

The Eye Opener - May 16 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on May 15, 2013

- President-Elect Robert welcomed one and all to breakfast.

- Club member Michael U.'s Community Service initiative is gaining momentum. The Club has made a connection with Lions Gate Hospital that will help us to identify a specific need for an access ramp for disabled persons. It is hoped that the Club will be able provide the facility to members of our community in need. Thanks Michael for getting this going.

- Club member etc. Ken W. reports that the Adventures in Citizenship alumni of B.C met last weekend, our own delegate Alexa got together with 20 other B.C. delegates to renew ties, talk over 'old' times and share memories.

- Club Treasurer Ted M. provided a quick update of Club business and finances this morning. All the Club bookkeeping is up to date and we are in a sound financial position. Club business administration is on schedule and on budget. Club fundraising is doing fine and we await the success of our upcoming Ride for Rotary.

- Rotary Ride for Rescue: breakfast this year will be hosted in the Cypress Mountain Lodge, the awards ceremony and speakers will also take place in the lodge. Tents, tables and chairs will be set up at intervals along the course for refreshment service, Sussex Realty has provided a large marquee tent for the finish line, Price Smart will be providing breakfast for the competitors once again. Club member Bob M. thanked the Club for all the help recently with raising awareness about the event. Thanks also to Karen H., Robert C. and Bob M. for the great job of organizing this large event for us, no small job.

- President Elect Robert C. will announce the time and venue for the Club Strategic Planning meeting.

- The Club installation dinner will take place June 20th at the West Van Yacht Club, the regular meeting for that day will be cancelled.

- 50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned.

The Eye Opener - May 16 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-05-16 00:00:00Z 0

The Eye Opener, May 15, 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on May 14, 2013
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- President Ardath welcome one and all to breakfast.

- Pres. Ardath exchanged Club banners with Mr. Amin Shah and his son Dr. Faiz Shah from the RC Hong Kong Happy Valley.


- Rotary Moment: Ted M. spoke today on the history of the Rotary Foundation.

  • In 1917 RI Pres. Arch Klumpf proposed an endowment be established for the purpose of Service projects.
  • The first grant made by the endowment went to a service initiative that went on to become The Easter Seals Campaign, the amount: $500.00.
  • In 1928 the endowment fund was renamed The Rotary Foundation.
  • From the first donation of $26.00 the Foundation has gone on to become one of the largest charitable endowments with over one billion dollars in assets.

- Club Treasurer Ted M. presented a cheque from the Club for $2000.00 to the Mood Disorders Association of BC representative Sophia Van Norden. The MDA has been active for 25 years in B.C. helping those with psychological and mood disorders to find resources, treatment, information and support.


- Our Club's Rotary Ride for Rescue is scheduled for June 8th, Ride organizers will be holding an organizing meeting in the next two weeks to work out schedules and logistics, Karen H. will advise on time and venue for the meeting.


- Junior Club Member Teanna Wong presented the Club with a cheque for $411.00.

Teanna and her schoolmates at Collingwood School raised the money with a Pennies for Polio campaign.

Thank you Teanna and all your friends for your support for millions of children around the world that will benefit from your caring and kindness. 


- This morning the Club had the pleasure of inducting Tara O'Connor as an Honorary Member before she departed on a voyage to Asia.

- We are all hopeful that Tara will become an active member upon her return.


- The Club installation dinner will take place June 20th at the West Van Yacht Club, the regular meeting for that day will be cancelled.

- Club member Brian M. introduced today's Guest Speaker Paul Christensen from the Lift the Children organization. Lift the Children was established by Paul and a partner to help impoverished children in Africa.

Paul's first encounter with child poverty was in Kenya where he visited Nairobi's largest slum neighbourhood and saw for himself the plight of these children. The children and their families have little or no access to nutrition, clean water, health services and education, whatsoever. Disease and illiteracy eliminate the childrens' chances for a happy and fulfilled life. 

On starting out Paul began his efforts to help by engaging the community in small but vital and effective projects to improve the area and the quality of life of the people who lived there. Over time Lift the Children began to expand their reach  in Nairobi, They established classrooms, a library and feeding centre that now serves 1500 children. Paul and his partner are now working with children in Ethiopia and Uganda as well as their ongoing efforts in Kenya.

Lift the Children now supports 14000 children in 92 orphanages in Africa. The organization is looking forward to developing schools for thousands of more children. For more information please visit:


 Michael U. thanked Paul of Lift the Children for joining us today.


- 50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned.


The Eye Opener, May 15, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-05-15 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener - May 8, 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on May 07, 2013
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- President Ardath welcome one and all to breakfast.

- Rotary Moment: at a recent White House Ceremony twelve Rotarians were honoured as Champions of Change by the Director of the White House Office for Public Engagement Paulette Aniskoff. The ceremony took place April 5th at the second annual Rotary Day at the White House.

- Members are reminded that the annual Rotary District 5040 Conference takes place June 17th-20th in Quesnel.

- Our Club's Rotary Ride for Rescue is scheduled for June 8th, Ride organizers will be approaching Club members with their assignments over the next while. We will need all hands for this so clear your calendar for the day and help your Club do some great work.

- June 1st is Community Day in West Vancouver, Club member Sam C. will be organizing an information booth for the Club at the event.

- The second annual RC Lionsgate Fashion Show with the RC of Burnaby will be fundraising for a very important International Project: the establishment of a school (as well as a pig farm!) for hearing impaired children on the Indonesian island of Bali. Hearing impairment disabilities are fairly common in this region owing to a specific genetic trait. The event takes place June 23rd in the Lexus Showroom at the North Vancouver Auto Mall, tickets $50.00 from any RC Lionsgate member.

- The Club installation dinner will take place June 20th at the West Van Yacht Club, the regular meeting for that day will be cancelled.

- The Canada Day parade in North Vancouver will be organized by the Royal Canadian Legion this year.

- Brian M. reminded the Club that the Lionsgate BNI group will be hosting a golf tournament to raise funds for Kid's Camp experiences. The tourney is May 13th at the Seymour Golf Club. See Brian for details. Silent auction and no-host bar to be held after the tournament.

- Club member Judith H. updated our speaker roster: upcoming presentations will be made by the Lift The Children organization, British Pacific Properties and Park Royal.

- Club member Bob M. made a brief report on the Ride for Rescue: website and gifttool are in place, e-cards sent and posters to be distributed, our aim this year is for 200 riders.

- President Ardath reported on the recent NS Presidents' meeting: a speakers bureau will be established for the NS Rotary Clubs, WineFest 2013 is being organized, there are efforts being made to establish and Interact Club at Carson Graham Secondary School, Shirley Robertson is working on the establishment of a Rotaract Club at Capilano University, the CRC Bowen Island reports membership is up to 26, new members are learning about Rotary, fundraisers in the form of a charity run and bulb sales are being organized to fund local and international projects, a joint Membership meeting will be held in the fall of this year Past Dist. Gov. Hans Doge will lead the event.

- Local entertainment: Club member, and local sheriff, Jacci M. suggests that a great evening out can be had at Larson Station restaurant at the Gleneagles Golf Course, Club member Joan C.'s daughter Sal and her husband Pancho are appearing regularly with their great musical entertainment. Contact Larson Station for dates and time.

- 50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned.



Eye Opener - May 8, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-05-08 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener - May 1, 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Apr 30, 2013
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- President Ardath welcome one and all to breakfast.

- Rotary Moment: Club member Gordon B. spoke briefly about the history of the Rotary Club of Vancouver this morning. Gordon, a former member of the RC Vancouver (as well as the son of a member), noted that the Club was sponsored in 1913 by a Rotary Club from Seattle WA. The RC  Vancouver was the third Rotary Club chartered in Canada and by 1914 was the largest Rotary Club in the British Empire. During its' 100 years of Service the RC Vancouver has completed hundreds of projects, some (but not nearly all) notable achievements by the Club: the establishment of International House at the University of British Columbia, the founding of The Rotary World Help Network, and the highly praised Hearing Project in our community and around the world.

- Members are reminded that the annual Rotary District 5040 Conference takes place June 17th-20th in Quesnel, the heart of cowboy country.

- Our Club's Rotary Ride for Rescue is scheduled for June 8th, Ride organizers will be approaching Club members with their assignments over the next while. We will need all hands for this so clear your calendar for the day and help your Club do some great work.

- Club members Michael Upward and Bob Michieli will once again represent us in our Ride for Rescue, the intrepid cyclists will attempt to shatter their own records in this daunting, pedalled, 'climb to the clouds' and beyond. If you would like to join Bob and Michael on the quest, or if you would like to support them (and I know you do), talk to either of them and ask how you can help them achieve their 'sky high' aims and 'lofty' goal...a tip of the hat to Jim W. there..

- RC Lionsgate member Anne Marie Ferguson joined us for breakfast and invited us to the upcoming second annual Fashion Show. Working with the Rotary Club of Burnaby the Lionsgate Rotarians will be fundraising for a very important International Project: the establishment of a school (as well as a pig farm!) for hearing impaired children on the Indonesian island of Bali. Hearing impairment disabilities are fairly common in this region owing to a specific genetic trait.
The event takes place June 23rd in the Lexus Showroom at the North Vancouver Auto Mall, tickets $50.00 from any RC Lionsgate member.

- Club Treasurer (and now President Elect 2013-2014) Ted Mac. reminds all members that quarterly dues are owing as of April 1st.

- Brian M. notes that the Lionsgate BNI group will be hosting a golf tournament to raise funds for Kid's Camp experiences. The tourney is May 13th at the Seymour Golf Club. See Brian for details.

- DGN Ken W. advised the membership that Riet Carter will be retiring, after many years of Service, from the position of Director at the Rotary Klahanie Housing project. Klahanie will be needing a new Director, the position is paid and part time, anyone interested should contact Ken W.

- President Ardath introduced todays' guest speaker Club member Judith Harder. Today Judith updated her Vocational presentation for the Club.
Judith is the Corporate Secretary for Cascadero Copper Corp. Cascadero is a prospecting and exploration company operating in North and South America. The company, under President and CEO Bill McWilliams began operations in 2004 with property here in British Columbia. Judith, as Corporate Secretary is responsible for all required legal and regulatory filings in the course of exploration and development. The company acquires property it believes to be of value for mineral extraction, does all surveys and studies and decides on the viability of development. In the event that mineral extraction can be accomplished profitably Cascadero will then take on a partner for the actual mining phase. Lately the company has been very involved in surveys and prospecting in Argentina. The company currently has ongoing operations involving Cesium, Arsenic and Thalium and is exploring new opportunities in the geo-thermal energy sector. Robert C. thanked Judith.

- 50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned.





Eye Opener - May 1, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-05-01 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener April 23, 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Apr 22, 2013
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- President Ardath welcome one and all to breakfast.

- Rotary Moment: Esther Del V. told us about the Plus in PolioPlus: it means more than just the fight against Poliomyelitis. Bundled in with the Global Eradication campaign is a host of other initiatives to address a variety of health issues such as malaria, measles and tuberculosis.

- The upcoming RLI event has been cancelled.

- The Annual Rotary Duck Splash was a great success once again. The event saw thirteen rescue dogs rescue thirteen winning ducks from Ambleside waters. Reports are that approx. $35000.00 was raised. 

- The Horseshoe Bay Business Assoc. hosts the annual 'Taste of the Bay' Thursday Apr. 25th, tickets available now through various outlets in the Bay (or check with Karen Harrison), a great fun evening. 5-8pm.

- Club Treasurer Ted Mac. reminds all members that quarterly dues are owing as of April 1st.

- Rotary Club of North Vancouver Lionsgate will be holding a Fashion Show/Fundraiser May 23rd at the Lexus Showroom (North Van Automall). Tickets available through Terry Le Houllier or any Lionsgate member.

- Club member Judith H. introduced todays' guest speaker (no introduction needed) Tiana Wong. Tiana spoke to the Club about a Service Organization she belongs to called Round Square. RS is an international school service club that promotes six ideals of learning: Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service. Tiana recently attended the Round Square International Conference in Palos Verdes California, USA. Along with Tiana were students from across North America and as far away as India and Peru. The students met for fellowship, exploration, discovery and Service. Tiana and her fellow RS'ers toured the local California countryside studying the environment and its' character: coastal geography and biology, uplands forests and mountains, they planted trees in areas ravaged by fire and hiked the trails. The students toured a whale museum to see the stars of the sea, and Hollywood to see where the stars of the screen hang out. The Round Square members heard an address given by Greg Boyle founder of HomeBoy Industries, an organization that works with former street gang members helping them join society in a productive, successful way. Service work at the conference included packing 10000 meals for Haitian relief efforts. Past President and Dist. Gov. Nominee Ken Wilson thanked Tiana for speaking to us today and inducted Tiana as an Honorary Rotarian in the Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise.

For more info on Round Square go to

- 50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers, we were good and paid for the privelege, we were naughty and were fined for the privelege.

Meeting adjourned.



Eye Opener April 23, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-04-23 00:00:00Z 0

Horseshoe Bay Business Association - Taste The Bay Event

Posted by Karen Harrison on Apr 16, 2013
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Dear Karen, Please join us for the 6th Annual Taste of the Bay. We invite you to sample, stroll and connect with neighbours & friends! We are pleased to share with you our plans to create a seasonal Festival of Lights in the Park, ongoing improvements and future events in the Village.
Taste of the Bay

Thursday April 25th 2013 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Tickets 50% sold and going fast!

Adults $20
Children under 12 $5

Tickets can be purchased at:
*Presence (6367 Bruce St. West Vancouver)
*Indah Imports (6406 Bruce St. West Vancouver)
*Gleneagles Community Centre (6262 Marine Drive West Vancouver)

Proudly Sponsored by: Oyster Bay New Zealand & Horseshoe Bay Business Association.
About Us
The merchants of Horseshoe Bay Village thank you for signing up to our email list last year. If you wish to opt out of email notices please let us know by clicking the SafeUnscubscribe link below. We look forward to seeing you at our sell out event Taste of the Bay 2013!

Horseshoe Bay Business Association - Taste The Bay Event Karen Harrison 2013-04-17 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener April 17, 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Apr 16, 2013
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- President Ardath welcome one and all to breakfast.

- Rotary Moment: Ken W. told us about Rotary involvement with CIDA through the Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development. The program had a mandate to reduce poverty through programs dealing with health concerns and literacy and education. Since the Govt. of Canada merged CIDA with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the CRCID will no longer receive government funding.

- Rotary's 100th anniversary in British Columbia takes place Apr. 19th and 20th with events centered in Vancouver including: celebrations at Jack Poole Plaza (Vancouver Convention Centre), Rotary Showcase events, a 'Party on the Plaza' and presentations and an address by Stephen Lewis.

- The Annual Rotary Duck Splash is April 21st, Ambleside Park from 11:00h to 13:00h. 

- Rotary Dist. 5040 Conference May 17th to 20th in Quesnel, details and forms available at

- The Club thanks Vicki H. and her tireless crew for a great "Rotary Fashion Show" at the West Van Yacht Club on April 4th. A great success with fashions supplied by Marily Diligenti and others and runway models supplied by Rotary and friends.

- Club Pres. Elect 2013-2014 Marni Fraser has had to withdraw from the position for vocational reasons. The Club is looking for a member to fill the vacancy, any member interested should contact Pres. Ardath or Pres. Elect Robert C.

- Club Members Karen H. and Robert C. attended the recent North Shore Search and Rescue open house at their new facility in North Vancouver to promote this years' Ride for Rotary.

- Karen H. introduced todays' guest speaker Carolyn McGillvray from the Beauty Night organization. Beauty Night is a volunteer organization that provides make-overs and referral services to women from Vancouver's Downtown East Side. Carolyn began her volunteer work while working on media productions in the downtown east side with the Gastown Actors Studio. Along with a friend she volunteered to help out at a womens shelter in the area and began working with sex trade workers. While helping to serve meals at the shelter Carolyn discovered that having their hair styled and getting a make-over meant a great deal to the women at the shelter; they recovered their self esteem and dignity through the simple act of having someone help them with their physical appearance. Carolyn began to recruit volunteers from her colleagues, make-up artists, hair stylists and the like were asked to help out at a 'Beauty Night' held at the shelter. The first event had 14 volunteers and 73 women attended, immediate success! The event led to other 'Beauty Nights' and expanded to pedicures, diabetes screening, health care workers soon became involved. Since the early successes the program has expanded greatly to include referral services to health care providers, housing and education programs and other outreach initiatives including various workshops. The program now operates four nights each week, all volunteers are trained and the list of services has greatly expanded. Beauty Night will soon be celebrating its' 12th anniversary with a gala Fashion Show. The goal for 2013 is to serve more than 12000 women and the volunteer base has increased to more than 500 persons! The organizations annual budget is approximately $300,000.00 and fundraising is an important part of the work. For more information on how to help please go to Chris Loat thanked Carolyn for speaking to us this morning.

- 50/50/happy/sad: no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned.

Speaker, April 19. Tiana Wong!!!  This week, we look forward to hearing from our own Tiana Wong as she tells us about her exprience attending the International Round Square Confernce.

Eye Opener April 17, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-04-17 00:00:00Z 0

April is Magazine Month

Posted by Bob Michieli on Mar 31, 2013
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The following story was copied from the RI website

Rotary Magazines:  Getting the word out!

 April is Magazine Month, a time to celebrate the global network of Rotary’s official magazines, which provide valuable information to 1.2 million Rotarians.

The Rotary World Magazine Press consists of 32 magazines from Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe that inform, inspire, and entertain in 23 languages. In addition to The Rotarian, Rotary’s English-language flagship publication, it offers magazines such as Vida Rotaria (Argentina), Rotary in Bulgaria, and The Rotary-no-Tomo (Japan).

The RI Bylaws require all club members to subscribe to The Rotarian or a Rotary regional magazine. Rotary leaders, district governors, and club presidents are encouraged to support magazine editors in their country or region by submitting story ideas, promoting readership, encouraging timely subscription payments, and assisting with other communication efforts.

Look for a new international supplement edition in the pages of The Rotarian early in the 2008-09 Rotary year. The eight-page supplement, to be produced for all official Rotary magazines, will highlight Rotary’s work on the global stage. Ahmet Tükel, editor of Rotary Dergisi, the Turkish magazine, says the special edition represents a step forward. “The supplement will help promote a unified and global image of the organization,” he notes, “and show how collaboration of editors from different parts of the world can help put together a tool for communicating the strength and appeal of Rotary International.”


April is Magazine Month Bob Michieli 2013-04-01 00:00:00Z 0

Four ways to Donate to Rotary Foundation

Posted by Ardath Paxton Mann on Mar 11, 2013

4 simple ways to donate to The Rotary Foundation


Mar 03, 2013

Donating to The Rotary Foundation is simple - here are 4 ways to make your donation

Gifts of any size to The Rotary Foundation are appreciated and will support educational, humanitarian, and cultural programs and projects throughout the world. By donating to The Rotary Foundation, you support Rotary's areas of focus, which help advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.

Contributions to the Every Rotarian, Every Year (EREY) initiative, are the primary source of funding for Foundation programs.

There are several ways to contribute to Rotary's efforts.

1.     Donate online - Go to or to and click on donate.  You need a credit card and need to have a member access account on the RI website – which is very easy to set up. 

a.     Both websites take you to the same donation page.  It is no longer required that online donations be made at the TRF Canada website.  Once you log in the system it will issue a Canadian tax receipt. You and your club will get the appropriate credit.
b.    It is recommended you make your donation in Canadian dollars.  You can make it in US dollars but most credit card companies charge a 2.5% fee plus exchange rate. The official RI exchange rate is posted every month and is generally better than the bank rate.
c.     If you do not have a member access account click HERE.  Your club secretary has your individual membership number. With member access you can also see a record of your past donations, register for RI meetings and access the RI directory. 

2.     Send a cheque – you can donate to The Rotary Foundation by cheque (or credit card). Download and fill out the donation form - Click HERE.  It is recommended you only send a cheque in Canadian dollars. The Rotary Foundation Canada is charged an additional administrative fee for processing US cheques.  Also the donor is frequently charged an additional fee by their bank.  Put your member ID number and club name on the back of the cheque.  Please don’t include any correspondence with your donation. Send this separately to the appropriate office. Attach a cheque or fill out credit card information and send to the Toronto address on the form.

The address to mail doation is:
c/o 911600
PO Box 4090 STN A,

3.     Donate by Phone – donations will be accepted at the Rotary Contact Center. Have a credit card ready and phone 866-9-Rotary (866-976-8279) Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST.  This office is in the US but they transfer the data to Rotary Foundation Canada and a Canadian tax receipt will be sent. 

4.     Rotary Direct - Enroll in The Rotary Foundation’s recurring giving program, Rotary Direct, and save time and money. Select an amount, frequency (monthly, quarterly or annually), and contribution method that is convenient for you.  

a.     Enrollment is integrated with the Foundation’s secure online contribution system.
b.    The Rotary Foundation will send you a Canadian tax receipt annually for your Rotary Direct contributions. Click to download a paper enrollment form. For information please Email: or phone 866-9-ROTARY.  

You can direct your donation to various different Rotary Foundation charitable funds. If you direct your donation to the Annual Program Fund - SHARE, 50% of the funds are made available to District 5040 Rotary clubs for Rotary Foundation District and Global Grants. 

You can also direct your donation to PolioPlus, the Permanent Fund (Endowment Fund) or one of the six areas of focus of The Rotary Foundation however these funds go directly to support these programs and are not available for all types of grants.



Four ways to Donate to Rotary Foundation Ardath Paxton Mann 2013-03-12 00:00:00Z 0

Rockridge Interact Club Donates to Polio Plus

Posted by Ardath Paxton Mann on Mar 06, 2013

Duncan Lucas, Emily Fedusiak and Tara Tyab of the Rockridge Interact Club present cheque to president Ardath Paxton Mann in support of the Polio Plus Campaign


Rockridge Interact Club Donates to Polio Plus Ardath Paxton Mann 2013-03-07 00:00:00Z 0

Samsara International Water Project

Posted by Esther Del Vicario on Feb 28, 2013
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 Samsara Foundation, Thailand has started to execute the project funded by your foundation.

We have ordered the 3 clean water installations in Chonburi near Bangkok. (At some of the pictures you will see 10 water installations of which another donor paid for 7)

They have all been transported to the house of Ratana Keunkeauw, volunteer for Samsara in Chiangmai, where the names of our foundations were put on the cleaning machine and the PVC tank.

After that the installations are transported to one school in the mountains, where we built a clean water installation two months ago for another donor.

There Ratana and an expert in this field organised on the 19th of February a training ‘How to install and how to maintain a clean water installation” to all 3 school directors, who came to that school that day.

Every school received a contract to sign and 10,000 baht. They have to make a wall with water taps and they need to install the installation at their schools.

All 3 clean water installations need to be finished the third week of May 2013.










Samsara International Water Project Esther Del Vicario 2013-03-01 00:00:00Z 0
Fashion Show Vicki Haller 2013-03-01 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Ride For Rescue Robert Crozier 2013-03-01 00:00:00Z 0

Adventures in Citizenship 2013

Posted by Karen Harrison on Feb 28, 2013
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The following essays were written by Alexa Ku and Cam Chernecki.  Both Alexa and Cam are highschool students in North Vancouver and West Vancouver respectively and will be travelling to Ottawa as a participants in this years Adventures in Citizenthip program hosted by the Rotary Club of Ottawa.

What does it mean to be Canadian?

Yes I am Canadian and no I do not live in an igloo or have a beaver as a house pet,  and no , not everyone is polite here.  I have not always lived in Canada.  For the first three years of my life I lived in Hong Kong and then moved here to stay and start a new life.  Throughout the years of living here I have done a fair amount of travelling and have seen much different cultural based cities and small communities around the world.  I have been asked before "if you could move anywhere in the world to live right now where would it be?"  I have always answered with "Vancouver" (Canada).  This is where I have been raised and I am extremely fortunate to be a part of such an independent and thriving country.  Now I cannot imagine living anywhere else in the world.

What does it mean to be a Canadian Citizen?  It means you are a part of a nation that has freedom in being who you are not who you are told to be.  It means that you are a part of the nation tha that created peacekeepers not war makers and you are equal to everyone around you.  It also means you are always welcome even if you are not already a Canadian.  Canada is an extremely multicultural country, which is why being a part of it all, is so important to me.  I am half Chinese and half Canadian.  Each and every single importance of being a canadian listed above I strongly agree with.  Being Canadian means you have privileges and rights other countries may not have.

Alexa Ku

What does being a Canadian citizen mean to me?
There is more to being a citizen of Canada than just a piece of paper announcing your citizenship. Being a Canadian citizen is about having the rights and freedoms that everyone shares, upholding Canadian values and setting an example for those around us. It also means participating in the political world in order to have a say in the decision making of our nation. These are the things that make up who we are as a whole rather than individuals, the things that make us a great nation.

 Becoming a Canadian citizen is a comparatively accessible process when compared to countries around the world. This is because Canada is a very accepting society and a central hub of multiculturalism and diversity. A person’s beliefs or ethnic background do not stand in the way of citizenship. There are certain requirements one must meet to become a Canadian citizen. First of all you must be a permanent resident of Canada and have lived here for at least three years (1,095 days). Secondly you must be able to speak one of our two official languages, French or English. Then you must be able to have an understanding of Canadian culture and history. Requirements like these ensure that immigrants understand the commitment they are undertaking and their role as new Canadians.

Canadian citizens are entitled to certain rights as well as granted freedoms stated by the 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Charter starts with the fundamental freedoms of all Canadians: the freedom of conscience, the freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, freedom of peaceful assembly and the freedom of association. These freedoms have all Canadians in mind, giving them the freedom to believe what they want and not to be controlled by a government or authority. For instance, the aboriginal peoples of Canada have every right to pursue their own spiritual beliefs as well express their feelings and gather together in peaceful assembly.

The charter of rights also enshrines democratic rights that give all Canadian citizens of age the right to vote and have influence on decision making in Canada.  Canadian citizens have the opportunity to become involved in and actively participate in Canadian politics. As a Canadian, we do not have to worry that our ideologies or beliefs will land us in jail

Another important part of the charter is the legal rights that come with being a Canadian citizen. Unlike a number of countries, Canadians have a right to legal representation equally with no fear of discrimination by law. We have the right to an attorney, have the right to remain silent, and will be presumed innocent until proven guilty. We will not be subject to cruel or unusual punishment as a Canadian.

What I treasure most about being a Canadian is that I can respectfully express my opinions on political, religious and language issues and not have my legal or my mobility rights withdrawn. And, I can count on my government to uphold the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of people throughout the country.

Cam Chernecki

Adventures in Citizenship 2013 Karen Harrison 2013-03-01 00:00:00Z 0

March is Literacy Month

Posted by Bob Michieli on Feb 28, 2013
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Working together to improve literacy worldwide For most of us, reading and writing are as natural as breathing. But nearly 800 million adults worldwide lack the literacy skills needed to complete a job application, understand a child’s report card, or read a prescription.

Rotary International and the International Reading Association know that literacy is an essential ingredient for reducing poverty, improving health, encouraging community and conomic development, and promoting peace. Since 2002, RI and the IRA have combined their resources and skills to advance literacy in communities worldwide by

• Providing books and educational materials

• Building and supporting schools

• Mentoring students

• Training teachers

• Establishing literacy programs for children and adults

Whether through volunteering your time and expertise, providing financial support, or building awareness, you can empower people and communities through literacy.

March is Literacy Month Bob Michieli 2013-03-01 00:00:00Z 0

February is World Understanding Month

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jan 31, 2013
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While ceasefires and non-violence between nations are hallmarks of the United Nation’s annual International Day of PeaceImage it’s also about bringing peace into our homes, communities and schools.

Rotary clubs always have embraced this call for peace at the grass-roots level by addressing the underlying causes of conflict and violence through thousands of community-based service projects around the world. “Since 1905, Rotary clubs have worked locally and internationally to make the world a better and more peaceful place one person, one family, one community at a time,” said Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar, chair of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.

Rotary also takes a direct approach to world understanding by providing future leaders with the tools they need to “wage peace” on the global stage with its innovative Rotary Peace Centers program. Launched in 2002, Rotary awards up to 100 full scholarships each year for master’s-level degrees or a professional certificate in peace and conflict studies at six Rotary Peace Centers.

February is World Understanding Month Bob Michieli 2013-02-01 00:00:00Z 0

Paul Buitenhuis presents to the club

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jan 30, 2013



Mr. Paul Buitenhuis

spoke to the club this morning.

His company, Next Habitat Advisors

helps families plan for and find appropriate

private and/or public seniors housing

Paul Buitenhuis presents to the club Bob Michieli 2013-01-31 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Peace Forum

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jan 22, 2013

ImageDear Rotary friends,

I want to share exciting news with you about the Rotary Peace Forum being held in Metro Vancouver (Richmond) on February 23. Two high profile keynote speakers have accepted invitations to attend and a first for Rotary in Canada will take place at the forum.

The Hon Julian Fantino, Minister of International Cooperation will open the conference speaking on the Government of Canada – Rotary partnership to eradicate polio. We also hope he will bring a $1 million cheque to present to Rotary for polio eradication.

Dr. Bob Scott the chair of the RI PolioPlus Committee will speak at the Peace Celebration Banquet. Bob has led Rotary’s response to the recent murders of polio vaccinators in Pakistan and chairs Rotary’s polio committee.

The first E-Club in Canada will receive their charter at the Peace Forum. The ceremony will be broadcast to club members across Canada via the Internet. This is a first.

If you are already registered for the Rotary Peace Forum – thank you. If you are not registered we hope you will join us. Please announce this event at your Rotary club and share this message with your club members. I have attached a flyer on the Rotary Peace Forum. The flyer is also available online at:

We are partnering with radio station CKNW to support their anti bullying Pink Shirt Day. Everyone attending the Rotary Peace Forum will receive a pink shirt. We will have a group photo taken to support Pink Shirt Day.

In addition to the speakers noted above we have the following topics on the program:

  • Rotary’s rich history as a peacemaker – RI Director Bryn Styles
  • Anti Bullying panel and discussion – Patti Bacchus, Chair Vancouver School Board, DGE Denis Boyd, DGND John Anderson, Rachel Hislop-Hook, Interact Club – Delta SS
  • Combating Gang Violence– Chief Bob Rich, Abbotsford PD
  • Rotary Peace Centers– Past RI Director Paul Netzel
  • Polio Eradication as a peace program– PDG Ann Lee Hussey
  • Building Rotary club partnerships for peace
  • Canada’s role in reconstruction of Afghanistan
  • Rotary grants for peace and conflict resolution projects

For further information, bios of keynote speakers, agenda, hotel reservations and to register online please visit or directly to

Please note that the preferred Rotary room rate at the hotel is only available until February 5 2013. Registration for the Peace Forum is $125 which includes lunch and the Rotary Peace Celebration Banquet.


Chris Offer, PDG
Chair, Rotary Peace Forum

Phone: 1-604-940-9365 or Cell 1-604-897-8758

Rotary Peace Forum Bob Michieli 2013-01-23 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener Jan 22, 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Jan 21, 2013
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- President Ardath welcome one and all to breakfast.

- Feb 23rd is Rotary Day, marking the 108th anniversary of the founding. Feb. 17th - 23rd has been designated Rotary Week. The Rotary Club of Vancouver will be coordinating the 100th anniversary of Rotary in Vancouver this year.

- Rotary Peace Forum: Feb 23 at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel.

- A Rotary Fashion Show/Fundraiser is being planned for April 4th to be held at the West Vancouver Yacht Club. Women's clothing will be featured and an auction is planned. Proceeds to benefit the Rotary Foundation. 

- RLI: Saturday January 26th 8-4 at the Accent Inn, Burnaby.

- Robert Crozier spoke briefly on this year's Ride for Rotary: the event is scheduled for June 8th this year and sponsor's are being courted to help make this the best Ride ever.

- Rockridge Interactors joined our meeting this morning and presented the Ambleside Youth Centre with a $3000.00 donation to support the Centre's work with youth in our Community. Peter Chisholm represented the Centre and accepted the funds which will be used to support the Crisis Response Fund maintained by the organization.

- Peter Chisholm from the AYC briefly reviewed the activities of the Ambleside Youth Centre for the Club: the Centre work's with BC Coastal Health and the Ministry of Family and Child Development to provide various services to the Youth of the North Shore. The Centre offers a place for young people to meet, relax, hang out, play pool and be with friends, a variety of outreach, recreation and vocational programs are offered by the Centre as well as their much needed counselling for youth at risk or in crisis.

Eye Opener Jan 22, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-01-22 00:00:00Z 0

100 Years of Rotary in BC

Posted by Ardath Paxton Mann on Jan 21, 2013
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APRIL 16 TO 20, 2013

The 100 Years Celebration Events Team is pleased to release plans for the 100 Years of Rotary in BC Celebration, planned for April 2013. Mark these dates on your calendars and plan to participate in the greatest show of Rotary that our area has ever seen. Theme for the week - Leadership Through Service.

• Tuesday, April 16, 2012 Vancouver Board of Trade Lunch meeting with Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka in Vancouver, all Rotarians and the Vancouver Business community are invited to attend.

• Friday, April 19, 2012 Community Celebration Event, 5:30PM to 10:00PM at Jack Poole Plaza, Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre. This free event will celebrate Rotary and is open to everyone, the Olympic Cauldron will be lit, there will be family fun, food and great live entertainment, including the Langley Ukulele Ensemble and a feature performance by Abra Cadabra.

• Saturday, April 20, 2012 Rotary Showcase, 12:00 PM to 4:00PM at Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre. Open to all Rotary Clubs in British Columbia to showcase their projects and the good work of Rotary. All Rotarians, guests and public welcome. Free admission.

• Saturday, April 20, 2012 100 Years of Rotary Gala, 6:00PM to Midnight, Ballrooms at the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre. Sumptuous four course dinner with an address by former BC Lieutenant Governor, His Honour, the Honorable Stephen Point followed by keynote speaker, celebrated humanitarian Stephen Lewis. Great live entertainment by Circle of Friends.

Gala Tickets on sale now, pricing $175 per set or $1,750 table of ten (early bird pricing to March 15). Book a table for your club now at or by phone to Jessica at


100 Years of Rotary in BC Ardath Paxton Mann 2013-01-22 00:00:00Z 0
Rockridge School Interactors Donate to Ambleside Youth Center Bob Michieli 2013-01-17 00:00:00Z 0

eye opener January 16, 2013

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Jan 15, 2013
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- President Ardath welcome one and all to breakfast.

- Feb 23rd is Rotary Day, President Ardath will approach Mayor Smith regarding community recognition.

- Rotary Peace Forum: Feb 23 at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel.

- A Rotary Fashion Show/Fundraiser is being planned for March, proceeds to benefit the Rotary Foundation.

- Price Smart, a great supporter of our fundraisers, will be organizing a Celebration of Service Clubs, details to follow.

- First United Church has sent their thanks to all who donated clothing to their recent drive.

- Rotary Moment: Ted M. notes that the recent issue of the Rotarian mentions a program underway to purchase and redistribute celphones to those in need.

- RLI: Saturday January 26th 8-4 at the Accent Inn, Burnaby.

- Members are reminded that the Rotary District 5040 Conference will take place commencing May 17th in beautiful Quesnel in the heart of Cariboo Country. Details available at

- 50/50, Happy & Sad: Jim had the ticket but couldn't find the Ace of Clubs, still a winner though: Jim celebrated his fitness endeavours with a $40.00 happy dollar for 40lbs. lost and 689 miles walked last year: way to go buddy!!!




eye opener January 16, 2013 Mark Ferrari 2013-01-16 00:00:00Z 0

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner???

Posted by Vicki Haller on Jan 06, 2013
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A wonderful opportunity to get to know fellow Rotarians from all the clubs on the North Shore over dinner and conversation in an intimate setting at homes of select Rotarians

March 9, 2013

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner??? Vicki Haller 2013-01-07 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Global Peace Forum Bob Michieli 2013-01-07 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Leadership Institute - training courses January 26th - Sign Up Now!!!

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jan 06, 2013
John Vokes
Jan 01, 2013

RLI Part 1, 2 & 3 are being offered on January 26 2013

RLI Parts 1, 2 & 3 are being offered. Courses must be taken in sequence. You must have completed part 1 before you take part 2.

Accent Inn, 3777 Henning Dr. Burnaby, BC V5C 6N5

Register before January 15 2013 the cost is $85 after September 15 the cost is $95.

The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a series of fast-paced, interactive, one-day courses offered to refine a Rotarian's leadership skills and increase their base of knowledge in Rotary.

Courses are fun, topical, interactive, and geared toward busy business and professional persons who want to be more effective leaders in their vocation and club and more knowledgeable Rotarians.

Rotary Clubs are encouraged to select at least two candidates for RLI annually. Students return to their club with enthusiasm, new contacts, fresh ideas, an increased understanding of their potential as Rotarians, and valuable skills impacting their potential leadership in the club.

What are the courses? The Institute offers a leadership course in three full day parts (Parts I, II, III). Those completing each part are eligible for the next part.

The courses are designed to provide Rotary knowledge and to develop leadership skills for voluntary organizations. Some examples of course sessions include:

  • Rotary Beyond the Club
  • The Rotary Foundation (2 parts) - Future Vision Plan
  • Membership Development and Retention (2 parts)
  • Leadership
  • Creating Hands On Service Projects
  • Vocational Service - Ethics
  • International Service
  • Analyzing a Rotary Club
  • Public Relations & Communications

What are the teaching methods? The Institute believes in course sessions with as much discussion/participation as possible. Discussion breakout sessions are limited to approximately 10-15 persons. Lectures are strictly limited. Course methods include discussion groups, role-playing, problem solving workshops and case studies. Everyone participates during one of the Institutes sessions.

A course workbook containing an Institute Manual, session program agendas, faculty listings and course outlines and materials, is provided to each attendee.

Please register online with your credit card.


Rotary Leadership Institute - training courses January 26th - Sign Up Now!!! Bob Michieli 2013-01-07 00:00:00Z 0

January is Rotary Awareness Month

Posted by Bob Michieli on Jan 06, 2013
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January 2013

Message from RI President Sakuji Tanaka

Dear fellow Rotarians,

I am a Japanese businessman, and I wear a suit almost every day. The Rotary pin is always on my lapel. It is there because I am proud to be a Rotarian. Anywhere I go, people will see the pin and know who I am. Other Rotarians will see it and know that I am a friend, and people who are not Rotarians will see it as well. I want to be sure that all of them also understand the meaning of this pin.

This is why I am asking all of you to wear your Rotary pin and to raise awareness of what the pin means. I believe having that pin on your lapel changes you. It makes you think more before you speak and before you act. It makes you remember, all the time, that you are a Rotarian – and that as Rotarians, we are here to help.

All of us should be ready to talk about Rotary. When someone asks you about that pin, you should be ready to answer them. What is Rotary? What does Rotary do? These are questions that each of us should always be prepared to answer.

We cannot go to prospective members and ask them to join Rotary only because we want more members. We have to show them that Rotary is a wonderful organization, and that they will be happier because they belong to a Rotary club.

When we ask people to join Rotary, we are doing this to help them as well. I think all of us are grateful to the person who asked us to join. I know that my life is much happier, and has been much more productive, because of Rotary. It is clear to me that the day I joined the Rotary Club of Yashio was a day when I took my first step down a different path in life – a path of greater connection, greater satisfaction, and a deeper sense of fulfillment and peace.

This is a feeling that I want to share with others. And I know that one way to do that is through bringing in new members. But we must also do it by raising awareness of Rotary and Rotary’s work, by focusing on our public image and wearing our Rotary pins every day.

January is Rotary Awareness Month Bob Michieli 2013-01-07 00:00:00Z 0

International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal

Posted by Ardath Paxton Mann on Dec 17, 2012
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December 2012

Visit our new convention website for the latest news, tips on Lisbon
We've just made it easier for you to plan your trip to the 2013 RI Convention in Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 June. Our convention website contains the latest news, travel tips, online registration and housing reservation forms, and other useful information about Rotary's largest annual gathering, all in an easy-to-navigate layout.

Register by 15 December for best price on Lisbon Convention -- Save up to $100!

Why attend? Deborah Bowen, of the Rotary Club of Top of the Lake-Mooresville, shares her reasons. Bowen attended her first convention in Chicago in 2005 as a centennial club president. “When I saw the flags from all the Rotary countries, I felt a lump in my throat. You had me at the flag ceremony!"

Learn more about why you should attend

Register by 15 December and save



International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal Ardath Paxton Mann 2012-12-18 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Foundation Resources

Posted by Ardath Paxton Mann on Dec 12, 2012
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Dear Club President, Club International Service Director (IS Director), Club Rotary Foundation Committee (CRFC) Chair,

Let me begin by introducing myself. I am a Past District Governor (PDG) from District 5060, (the Okanagan, B.C. & the Columbia Basin in Washington). However I joined Rotary in Prince Rupert and did spend from 1968 to 1999 in District 5040. I am currently an Assistant Region Rotary Foundation Coordinator (ARRFC) for Zone 24 (W). There are three of us helping to look after seven districts in Zone 24 (W).

I hope that I can help your club by answering or finding the answers to any questions for you as they relate to The Rotary Foundation. I will also provide you with up to date information from time to time, as it becomes available.

Today I am passing along two new resources now available for order through the Rotary web site at: Just type the brochure # in the search box, it will pop up and you can order it.
  1. New Legacy brochure, which replaces the beige Bequest Society card, the green Securing the Future brochure and the Benefactor cards. This is a new “all in one” for any legacy gift commitments to the Foundation’s permanent fund. (Benefactor gift commitments are$1000-$9999 and Bequest is $10,000 and greater)
  1. New Major Donor brochure. It expands upon the key items identified in the “Ways to give” brochure and quotes some of our Major Donors reasons for giving. There is no better time for Canadians to gift to Polio than the present- to take advantage of the gift match by both the Canadian Government and the Gates Foundation.

Please feel free to contact me at any time.

Best Regards, Derek.

Derek Bottomley, PDG
Assistant RRFC, Zone 24 (W) 2012-13
372 Okaview Road,
Kelowna, B.C., V1W 4K3,

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it".
- William Arthur Ward.

CC: DG Team, AG Team, DRFC Chair.

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Rotary Foundation Resources Ardath Paxton Mann 2012-12-13 00:00:00Z 0

Eye opener 12/11/29

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Nov 28, 2012


Eye Opener

mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Proceedings of the meeting on:



O Canada

Invocation: Jacci

Guests/Visitors: Guest Speaker Michael Maser.


Morning humour:

Rotary Moment:

- Sam Chan gave today’s Moment: Sam told about a Rotary project that involves students tutoring refugee immigrants. The project is designed to help new immigrants to understand their new home’s society and culture and to help young people understand the problems and challenges facing newcomers.

Club Business/Announcements:

- President Ardath welcomed all.


- Next weeks meeting is the Club’s Annual General Meeting, all members are urged to attend.


-The annual Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon takes place Sat. Dec. 8th at the West Van Seniors Activity Centre. Setup at 09:00, teardown is done by 3:00  and Vicki and Roland Haller     will host a potluck dinner for all Club members later that day.


- Club night for Operation Red Nose is Dec. 21st. Brian Martin notes that anyone on the driving teams must have a background check done by the North Van RCMP but it is not necessary for headquarters volunteers.


-  RLI parts 1, 2 and 3 will be given at the Accent Inn Burnaby January 26th from 08:00 to 4:30.


- DGE Ken W. reports that DG Rebecca MacPherson has announced that the Foundation Dinner raised $14000.00. Club Member Jacci McTavish was recognized as a ‘Rotary Foundation Major Donor’ by Rebecca at the dinner.



- Park Royal Mall is recruiting Christmas gift wrappers. The Rockridge Interact Club will be manning the scissors and ribbons to raise money for their projects. Anyone who can volunteer to participate is asked to advise Karen Harrison.


- Club member Esther del Vicario sends thanks to all the Club members that donated to the CSICU team from St. Paul’s hospital.


- Club member Chris Loat reminded the Club of the Interact Conference taking place at Burnaby South Secondary School Dec. 1st, the conference is sponsored by Rotary Dist. 5040.


Guest Speaker:

- Club member Gordon Bird introduced today’s Guest Speaker Michael Maser. Michael is an award winning innovative educator and author. Michael has designed learning programs and has an online education facility with approximately 2000 registered students. Mr. Maser’s book ‘Learning Your Way’ is based on the neurobiology, psychology and sociology of who we are as individuals. The book dispels the myths of not being able to learn after a certain age, and that intelligence is based on rote learning of the ‘3 r’s’. Through neurobiology we now understand better the form and function of the human brain and what it needs in terms of nutrition and stimulation. Michael states that there are many forms of intelligence including mathematical skills, verbal, artisitic and innovative and inventive abilities. These can all be nurtured and enhanced by experience and creative teaching techniques that are designed to optimize the abilities of all to learn. Karen Harrison thanked Michael for speaking to us this morning.


- Ken had the winning ticket but no winners, no losers.

Meeting adjourned. 

Eye opener 12/11/29 Mark Ferrari 2012-11-29 00:00:00Z 0
Gift Wrapping Helpers Wanted!!! Karen Harrison 2012-11-28 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener 12/11/12

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Nov 27, 2012

Eye Opener

mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise



Proceedings of the meeting on: 12/11/22


Oh Canada


Invocation: Jacci

Guests/Visitors: West Vancouver Mayor Michael Smith, Guest Speaker Tony McAleer.


Morning humour:

Rotary Moment: -      Judith Harder’s Rotary moment: Judith told us about a great fundraiser held by the Rotary Club of Comox: a used book sale. The Comox Club sets up in a local mall and for one week sells donated used books, with creative sales and decreasing prices the Club has raised $40000.00 in one week! Judith also passed along thanks from Christine and Webster for the Club’s help with moving them to their new home.

Club Business/Announcements:

-      President Ardath welcomed all.

-      DG Elect Ken Wilson had the pleasure of inducting West Vancouver Mayor Michael Smith as an Honorary Member of our Club this morning.

-      Park Royal’s Starry Nights holiday shopping event went well again this year, please remit all ticket sales money to Brian Martin and compliment him on his beautiful moustache, oh and maybe make a donation to the fight against prostate cancer.

-      The annual Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon takes place Sat. Dec. 8th at the West Van Seniors Activity Centre. Setup at 09:00, teardown is done by 3:00  and Vicki and Roland Haller will host a potluck dinner for all Club members later that day.

-      Club night for Operation Red Nose is Dec. 21st. Brian Martin notes that anyone wishing to donate an old celphone for next year’s event should contact him.

-      The West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce will hold their Christmas Dinner at the Capilano Golf & Country Club December 12th. Jason Bowman has details on ticket sales.

-       The Club Annual General Meeting will take place Dec. 6th 2012. Past Presidents Jason Bowman and  Brian Kerr have reviewed the Club’s constitution and by-laws and found them to be in order.

-      Park Royal Mall is recruiting Christmas gift wrappers. The Rockridge Interact Club will be manning the scissors and ribbons to raise money for their projects.

-      Club member Gordon Bird notes that West Vancouver Baptist Church will hold a ‘Blue Christmas’ service on December 16th at 7:00pm, an alternative celebration of the season.

-      Ken W. thanked the Club for the great member turnout at the Rotary Foundation dinner.

-      Reminder: Nov. 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Guest Speaker:

Jason Bowman introduced today’s guest speaker Tony McAleer who told us about ‘Life After Hate’. Tony’s journey from love to hate to love began with feelings of powerlessness at home and at school. He began to ‘disengage’ from others and family and became a self-described bully. Seeking power and attention Tony became a punk culture adherent and then moved on to the ‘skinhead’ movement where the ‘power’ and attention were magnified. Tony soon became a politicized leader of the movement, attaining national prominence and appearing on television promoting a white Aryan racist philosophy. At the height of his involvement in the movement he was charged and convicted of human rights offences. Unexpectedly Tony became a father in 1992 and began to realize that now he had the ultimate power over someone, for him a very sobering realization. Fatherhood caused Tony to drift away from the Aryan movement, somewhat lost he turned to alcohol. Eventually, fortunately, Tony found a mentor who helped him understand the reasons for his actions and to find a way out of the cycle of hate. “Once I learned how to have a good relationship with myself I learned how to have the same with others.” Tony states, and now he is reaching out to the world with his message. To learn more about Tony’s organization ‘Life After Hate’ check out his websites: and Brian Kerr thanked Tony for speaking to us today.


-      No winners, no losers, fines were levied and paid, we all went away happy.

Meeting adjourned.





Eye Opener 12/11/12 Mark Ferrari 2012-11-28 00:00:00Z 0

Jacci receives Foundation Major Donor recognition

Posted by Bob Michieli on Nov 25, 2012

ImageCongratulations Jacci!!!

District Governor Rabecca MacPherson presents Jacci McTavish with a special gift in recognition of her ongoing financial support of the Rotary Foundation and reaching the level of "Major Donor".

A Major Donor is any individual who has accumulated $10,000 in donations to the Rotary Foundation.

Jacci was honoured at the Rotary Foundation dinner, November 24, 2012. A number of club members and friends were on hand for the presentation.

Jacci receives Foundation Major Donor recognition Bob Michieli 2012-11-26 00:00:00Z 0

District Governor Rabecca MacPherson visits the Club

Posted by Bob Michieli on Nov 21, 2012



DG Rabecca MacPherson Presents gift to Club President Ardath Paxton-Mann

Our club was honoured with the attendance of District Governor Rabecca MacPherson at our regular club meeting, Thursday morning, November 15th.  DG Rabecca thanked the club for its active involvment and committment to the community and congratulated us for the numerous, successful fundraising events the club coordinates and participates in for the purpose of helping our community.  The 2012 - 2012 Rotary International Theme of "Peace Through Service" was emphasized by DG Rabecca, encouraging all of us as Rotarians to recognize our role as embassadors for fostering and promoting a more peaceful world in our schools, workplaces and community.


District Governor Rabecca MacPherson visits the Club Bob Michieli 2012-11-22 00:00:00Z 0

Eye Opener - Mouth Piece of the Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Posted by Mark Ferrari on Nov 20, 2012

Image Image


Proceedings of the meeting on: 12/11/15

O Canada

Invocation: Jacci

Guests/Visitors: Rotary District 5040 Governor Rebecca MacPherson, Rotary Club of Quesnel.


Morning humour:

Rotary Moment:

-      Pres. Elect Robert notes that Past RI Pres. Wilf Wilkinson has announced a new program under ‘Future Visions’: Vocational Training Teams. Rotarians and non Rotarians will travel abroad in teams to learn and to teach. Similar to Group Study Exchange in format but the new program will place as much emphasis on teaching as on learning. The teams will be eligible for various Rotary grants and has no age limits.

Club Business/Announcements:

-      President Ardath welcomed all.

-      Park Royal’s Starry Nights holiday shopping event takes place Nov. 16th at the north mall and Nov. 21st at the south mall. Brian M. has tickets and remember: all proceeds from ticket sales go directly to our Club.

-      The Dist. 5040 Foundation Dinner will be held Sat. Nov. 24th at the Westminster Quay, tickets are available through the District website:

-      The annual Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon takes place Sat. Dec. 8th at the West Van Seniors Activity Centre. Setup at 09:00, teardown is done by 3:00  and Vicki and Roland Haller will host a potluck dinner for all Club members later that day.

-      Club night for Operation Red Nose is Dec. 21st. Brian Martin has background check forms available and the North Van RCMP detachment will do the checks free of charge.

Karen Harrison reports that the Rockridge Interact Club is once again collecting for the PolioPlus and has $800.00 so far. Ethics and Values presenter/facilitator training takes place Nov 23rd  9am-12 at Rockridge.

-      The Club Annual General Meeting will take place Dec. 6th 2012 and the Nominating Committee is meeting this week.


 District Governor Rabecca MacPherson presents

a gift to Club President - Ardath Paxton-Mann

Guest Speaker: -      Ken Wilson introduced today’s guest speaker: District Governor Rebecca MacPherson. Rebecca began her visit by inducting Paul Harris Fellows Marni Fraser and Mark Ferrari. The DG thanked Marni and Mark for their support of the Rotary foundation. Rebecca hails from Quesnel  where she and her husband raised five children.  DG MacPherson shared her vision of RI Pres. Tanaka’s theme of ‘Peace Through Service’. Peace is: absence and peace is presence. The absence of fear, violence, hunger, poverty and need. It is the presence of security of life, happiness, calm and well being. All Rotary programs bring a kind of peace, one or the other, to the beneficiaries. Rotarians have taken on the responsibility of doing this and putting the needs of others above our own, by deed and example. Rotary Clubs must be organizations that others want to be part of. We must ensure that new and non-Rotarians know what Rotary is and does. Rebecca urges Rotarians to ‘have a Rotary story’ and share it: ‘…if it inspires you it will likely inspire others”. DG MacPherson ended by inviting all Rotarians to this year’s RI Convention in Lisbon, any or all of three RI Peace Forums to be held around the globe (including Richmond BC), the District 5040 Conference in Quesnel, and the 100th Anniversary of Rotary in BC hosted by the Rotary Club of Vancouver. Mark F. thanked Rebecca for joining us today.

50/50/fines/happy/sad: -      Jacci M. sold herself the winning ticket but couldn’t cut the cards, Jim fined and fined and fined, we laughed we cried.

Meeting adjourned.



Eye Opener - Mouth Piece of the Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise Mark Ferrari 2012-11-21 00:00:00Z 0

MP John Weston receives Honourary Membership

Posted by Bob Michieli on Oct 31, 2012


The Honourable John Weston

Member of Parliament representative for

West Vancouver - Sunshine Coast  - Sea to Sky Country

receives Honourary Club Membership


The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Supports Mr. Westons

Private Members Bill

to establish

"National Health & Fitness Day"


MP John Weston receives Honourary Membership Bob Michieli 2012-11-01 00:00:00Z 0

Message from District Foundation Chair

Posted by Ardath Paxton Mann on Oct 31, 2012



As Rotarians we all know that we are "This Close" to eradicating Polio from the world. We all need to continue to support the PolioPlus program as we work towards saving each and every child from ever being exposed to this horrible infliction. We are truly "this Close"
and I look forward to the day when we can all stand in celebration of this historic feat.

Our Foundation has other components, one of which is the Annual Fund, providing support for Rotary programs today.These funds are used for both District and Global grants. Funds invested this year by Rotarians and Clubs in our District will determine the amount of dollars available to our District in 3 years time, so please invest now to support our club and district projects.

The Permanent Fund is our Foundation's endowed fund which holds gifts in perpetuity. Earnings from this fund supplement the Annual Fund as well as some other R otary priorities including global grants and the Rotary Peace Centers. The Permanent Fund will ensure that monies are available for future Rotarians to continue to do good in the world. You can invest in the Permanent Fund through outright and planned gifts which include bequest commitments, life insurance, marketable securities, real estate and charitable trusts or annuities.

With a commitment of a minimum of US$1000 you become a benefactor or join the Bequest Society with a commitment of a minimum US$10,000. I would ask that you seek the support of current benefactors and Bequest Society members within your club to share with your members why they choose to utilize these programs.

Use the link below to get the new "Ways to Give" brochure, 173-EN-(711) and other tools to help promote Rotary and The Rotary Foundation to your members and non members alike. Most publications are free.

If I can assist you in any way to help in the promotion of TRF, please don't hesitate to contact me.

November is Foundation Month and many clubs in the District are having events to celebrate and promote our Foundation. I wish you all a very successful Foundation Month.


Darcy Long

Permanent Find Chair, & nbsp; District 5040 Foundation Committee

Message from District Foundation Chair Ardath Paxton Mann 2012-11-01 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Ardath Paxton Mann on Jun 30, 2012
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A Message from President Ardath Paxton Mann:

Member pictureWelcome to our Rotary Club!                                
Welcome to the West Vancouver/Sunrise Rotary Club, one of Rotary District 5040's four Rotary Clubs on the North Shore.  If you are a Visiting Rotarian doing a "make-up", or just interested to see what Rotarians do, please join us at one of our weekly meetings, held Thursdays at 7:15 a.m. at the beautiful Capilano Golf and Country Club on Southborough Drive in West Vancouver. ( check the map for detailed directions) We are a small club, full of energy and enthusiasm and committed to fellowship and service, in both our local and international communities.  Have a look at some of our projects.  You may have heard about our very successful Ride for Rescue up Cypress Mountain - a fundraiser to enable our support to North Shore Rescue, and other North Shore community projects.  We all strongly support Rotary's worldwide motto "Service Above Self", and this year, our Rotary theme is "Peace Through Service". If you have any questions, please contact me by email at

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE and WELCOME July 2012 Ardath Paxton Mann 2012-07-01 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary Institute Facebook Link Bob Michieli 0
Rotary Zone 2432 Twitter link Bob Michieli 0
Follow us on facebook Bob Michieli 0
Follow us on Twitter Bob Michieli 0

Annual General Meeting

Posted by Bob Michieli
ImageImageImageThursday, December 6th.  Full attendance is expected at this important annual meeting where the future direction of the club is discussed and decided by the entire membership We will be passing the budget as well as electing next years executive (President, President-elect, Secretary, treasurer and Sergeant-At-Arms).  If you are interested in serving in an executive capacity or wish to nominate a fellow club member for one of these positions please contact the nominating committee (President Ardath, Past President Jason Bowman or Past President Brian Kerr).
Annual General Meeting Bob Michieli 0
Club members receive their Paul Harris ! Bob Michieli 0

Seniors Christmas Luncheon and Pot Luck Social

Posted by Bob Michieli


The Annual Seniors Christmas Luncheon

Saturday, Sept 8th

West Vancouver Seniors Center

Set up time 9am sharp

All Elves on Deck Please!!!

This is a 20+ years tradition established by our club!!

Followed by

The Annual Club Christmas Social

in the evening following the luncheon

at home of hosts

Vicki and Roland Haller

more details to follow



Seniors Christmas Luncheon and Pot Luck Social Bob Michieli 0

Annual Rotary Wine Festival

Posted by Bob Michieli

What a Success!!!

The four Rotary Clubs of the north shore collaborated to host hundreds of attendees at the 11th annual Wine and Food Festival on the evening of Saturday October 20th at the spacious Park Royal Mall north facility.

The event was supported by over 20 international wineries and 20 local restaurants sampling their latest vintages and recipes.

As always proceeds of this wonderful event stayed on the north shore! This year the North Shore Schizophrenia Society and the North Shore Youth House were the key benefactors of the event as well as several other Rotary sponsored community projects.

Annual Rotary Wine Festival Bob Michieli 0

Guest Speaker - Tony McAleer - November 22

Posted by Bob Michieli



Love. Honesty. Openness.

Life After Hate is an organization dedicated to basic human goodness, which is the innate and natural desire to live an open and honest life while treating all other life with compassion and respect.

Help us spread our message.

Guest speaker, Tony McAleer gave a heartfelt presentation about his transformation from a person of negative, hurtful thought and behaviour to one of love and compassion

Guest Speaker - Tony McAleer - November 22 Bob Michieli 0

Starry Nights!!!

Posted by Bob Michieli


Its not too late to get yor tickets to this great event in cooperation with Park Royal Shopping Center

Two evening event

Friday, Nov 16 (Park Royal North) 7:30PM - 10:30PM , Wednesday, Nov 21 (Park Royal South)7:30PM - 10:30PM

You need a ticket to shop

Door Prizes

Sizzlin' Hot Merchant Specials!

Wine & Appies

Single night ticket $10 or both nights for only $15

Proceeds of all tickets sold by our club stay with our club!!

Contact Brian Martin or Peggy Wilson for tickets

Starry Nights!!! Bob Michieli 0

eye opener, Nov 8, 2012

Posted by Mark Ferrari


Eye Opener

mouthpiece of the

Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise

Proceedings of the meeting on: 12/11/08

O Canada

Invocation: Jacci



Morning humour:

Rotary Moment:

- Brian Martin told us a few details about Rotary during and after World War II: during the war Rotary provided emergency relief for many. In 1942 Rotary convened a conference that led to the eventual founding of the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). In 1945 Rotary was instrumental in the establishment of the United Nations.

Club Business/Announcements:

- President Ardath welcomed all.

- Remebrance Day ceremonies will be held at the West Vancouver Cenotaph, Nov. 11th. President Ardath will lay a wreath on behalf of the Club.

- Jacci Mctavish brought news of the Bahai Awards for Diversity: this year’s winner is the Universal Outreach Foundation which our Club worked with in support of El Hogar school in Tegucigalpa Honduras.

- The Club Executive will meet with Dist. 5040 Governor Rebecca MacPherson Nov. 14that the Upward Construction boardroom. Board members are requested to submit their reports as early as possible. DG MacPherson will meet with the Club at our regular meeting on the 15th.

- Park Royal’s Starry Nights holiday shopping event takes place Nov. 16that the north mall and Nov. 21st at the south mall. Brian M. has tickets and remember: all proceeds from ticket sales go directly to our Club.

- The Dist. 5040 Foundation Dinner will be held Sat. Nov. 24th at the Westminster Quay, tickets are available through the District

The annual Seniors’ Christmas Luncheon

- place Sat. Dec. 8th at the West Van Seniors Activity Centre. Setup begins at 09:00h. Vicki and Roland Haller will host a potluck dinner for all Club members later that day.

- Club night for Operation Red Nose is Dec. 21st. Brian Martin has background check forms available and the North Van RCMP detachment will do the checks free of charge.

- Karen Harrison reports that the Rockridge Interact Club is once again collecting for the PolioPlus campaign and will participate in the Rotary Foot Clinic for the downtown east side residents.

- Karen also notes that an Ethics and Values training seminar will be held at Rockridge Secondary Nov. 21st.

- Rotarian and friend of our Club Don Evans invites one and all to ride the Polar Express at the West Coast Heritage Railway Park in Squamish. The holiday event takes place Dec. 1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th. Fun for the whole family.

Guest Speaker:

Ken Wilson introduced today’s guest speaker: Club member Bob Michieli gave his ocational talk. Bob’s family came to Canada from Italy in 1920 and his grandfather was employed by the CPR. Bob’s father bought a grocery store in Sioux Lookout ON in 1957 and the family and business prospered. Bob’s father expanded the business in the early 1980’s to a 13000sq. ft. operation. Bob graduated from University with a degree in Business Admin. and returned to Sioux Lookout to work in the family business. When it came time for Bob’s father to retire Bob bought the business from him in 1990 and began to expand the operation. A new 42000 sq. ft. store was built in the early 2000’s and Bob embarked on a program to make the store less dependent on the whims of his suppliers. Bob built the business to the point where it became the largest employer in Sioux Lookout. Eventually Bob and his wife Deb began to consider leaving Sioux Lookout for the big city and decided that the West Coast had the greatest appeal for them. Bob and Deb have three grown children and a young daughter. They moved to North Vancouver when they first arrived here on the coast and soon after bought their home in West Vancouver. Both Bob and Deb, who has a Masters degree in Sociology, served as Presidents of the Rotary Club of Sioux Lookout. Ted MacCormac thanked Bob for telling us a little about himself and his family.


- No winners, no losers, we laughed, we cried, we were fined and paid.

Meeting adjourned.


eye opener, Nov 8, 2012 Mark Ferrari 0


Posted by Bob Michieli

What is the Rotary Foundation?

T he mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.

Rotary Foundation Highlights

Polio Plus


After 25 years of hard work, Rotary and its partners are on the brink of eradicating this tenacious disease, but a strong push is needed now to root it out once and for all. It is a window of opportunity of historic proportions.

Reaching the ultimate goal of a polio-free world presents ongoing challenges, not the least of which is a hundreds of million dollar funding gap. Of course, Rotary alone can't fill this gap, but continued Rotarian advocacy for government support can help enormously.

As long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, children everywhere remain at risk. The stakes are that high.

S ince the PolioPlus program's inception in 1985, more than two billion children have received oral polio vaccine. But Rotary's work is not done: The disease has not yet been eradicated. Contribute to the PolioPlus Fund online or by mail to support Rotary's goal of a polio-free world.

Upwards of US$1 billion per year from all sources is needed in donor contributions to fund the final eradication phase. (Visit for the most updated figures.) This level of expense is expected to decrease as wild poliovirus transmission is interrupted in the four remaining polio-endemic countries and outbreaks in previously polio-free countries are reduced. The budget for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is revised quarterly to reflect changes in epidemiology as well as financial contributions made by Rotary and other donors to the program.

Rotary's Challenge is our response to the two grants totaling $355 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help eradicate polio, which goes until 30 June.

Make a one-time gift or enroll in recurring giving to help End Polio Now.

Rotary Peace Centers


Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution

R otary Peace Fellows are leaders promoting national and international cooperation, peace, and the successful resolution of conflict throughout their lives, in their careers, and through service activities. Fellows can earn either a master’s degree in international relations, public administration, sustainable development, peace studies, conflict resolution, or a related field, or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict resolution

Visit the Rotary Peace Center's Facebook page or contribute on the causes page.

Rotary Foundation Grants

Making the world a better place!

Rotary Foundation grants support Rotarian efforts to change lives and serve communities through projects that promote peace, fight disease, provide clean water, save mothers and children, support education, and grow local economies.

Rotary's new grant model, often called the Future Vision Plan, is both simplified and streamlined, reducing the number of Foundation grant types from 12 to three. The new model goes into effect on 1 July 2013.


District 5040's Foundation Dinner

Posted by Bob Michieli


When: Saturday November 24, 2012 – doors open at 6pm

Where: La Perla at the River Market at Westminster Quay, 810 Quayside Drive

Cost: $60 per person, includes your first drink, a Turkey & Ham Dinner by Orlando’s Catering and an evening of fun and entertainment

Tickets Here

You won’t want to miss this party as it is promising to be a fabulous evening full of good food, good friends and good fun and you’re guaranteed to leave this event primed and ready to bring in the Holiday season! The dress code is smart-casual, so iron your blue jeans and don’t forget to wear your dancing shoes! Rotarian and Service Above Self Award winner Michael Crean will have his very popular band, Red Line, playing 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s throughout your evening. You’ll also be given the opportunity to start your Holiday shopping at our silent auction tables and you may even be lucky enough to win raffle prizes and 50/50 money!

District 5040's Foundation Dinner Bob Michieli 0

Operation Red Nose

Posted by Bob Michieli


Once again Operation Red Nose on the North Shore will be brought to you by the North Shore Rotary Clubs

Operational nights for 2012 are Nov 30, Dec 1, Dec 7, 8, Dec 14, 15, Dec 21, 22 & Dec 31st

 The Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise is committed to providing a team of volunteers on evening of December 21st.  All club members are also asked to volunteer on any one of the other evenings listed above

Club members may access ORN volunteer application package in club runner under Club Documents

Operation Red Nose Bob Michieli 0

October is Vacational Month

Posted by Bob Michieli
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Rotary was established over 100 years ago with a founding principal of promoting strong ethics, values and integrity in the professional lives of each of its members and recognizing the importance and responsibility of contributing to the local and global community.  Each year the month of October is dedicated to this important aspect of Rotary.

"The Four Way Test" is a Rotarians fundamental guideline for conduct in his or her professional life.  The four way test asks these questions of the things we say or do:
1. Is it the Truth?
2. is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build good will and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

October is Vacational Month Bob Michieli 0