Eye Opener May 29, 2014
Posted by Mark Ferrari
on May 29, 2014
Eye Opener
Mouthpiece of the
Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise
Proceedings of the meeting of May 29, 2014
O Canada
Invocation: Sam
Guests/Visitors: Mary Lee Stephenson-Art from the Edge.
- President Robert introduced today’s guest speaker former Club member Mary Lee Stephenson. Mary Lee spoke today about the on-line art gallery she has created: Indian Art from the Edge. The website carries the art created by First Nations artists living in the Downtown East Side. The gallery contrasts the beauty of the art with the ugliness of the lives lived by many of the artists. Mary Lee created the site to ensure that the artists were properly compensated for their work, retained copyright over it and received royalties for any reproduction of the art. Mary Lee says that the project has taught her quite a bit about the First Nations peoples, their sense of time and dependability, their experiences as ‘urban Indians’ and the sometimes ugly nature of their lives. All artists involved in the project receive fair market value for their works and Mary Lee ensures that they retain the copyright and receive royalties for any further use. Mark F. thanked Mary Lee for coming to visit todaty.
Club Business:
- Rotary Moment: Tara O’. spoke a bit about the Rotary Foundation. The Foundation expends 89% of its’ revenue on Service programs, only 2% of expenditures are for administration and 9% are for fund-raising. These figures rank the RI Foundation as one of the top in the world for effectiveness, transparency and accountability. Top contributors to the Foundation are: USA, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, with Canada ranked number 2 for Rotary per-member contributions For more information google Charity Navigator.
District Conference: President Robert summarized
- the event for the Club and praised the organizers and venue as top rate. In addition our Club received a District Presidential Citation with Distinction and the Significant Achievement Award.
- Rotary Ride: Karen H. reports that: sign-ups are increasing and more teams are being added, the Wedgewood Cycling Team is promoting the event to other teams, social media is proving to be very effective in spreading the word, a photographer is needed for the event as well as shuttle drivers, and lots of prizes are being donated.
- Jacci M. is collecting toiletries for Magdalene Leung’s Orphanage project in South Africa so clean out your cabinets of all those unused items and bring them in for re-gifting.
- The Club will cancel the meetings of June 26th and July 10th so that members can attend our Club installation dinner and Ken Wilson’s induction as District 5040 Governor
- Happy/Sad/50/50: thanks to all members for their contributions.
Meeting adjourned.