Eye Opener
Eye Opener
mouthpiece of the Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise
O Canada
Invocation: Sam
Guests/Visitors: Trillian Mitchell
Speaker: Club Member Don Mitchell proudly introduced today’s Guest Speaker his daughter Trillian Mitchell. Trillian came today to tell us about her experience at RYLA North 2013 held at Ness Lake in the Prince George area. Trillian’s weekend began on Friday with a meet and greet and a welcome from Rotary DG 5040 Garry Shearer. On Saturday the 25 delegates began with a ‘networking workshop’. The curriculum for the weekend was designed to promote leadership skills and give participants the tools to achieve. Trillian spoke about how the RYLA program gave the candidates a greater perception of how to: set goals based on your passions, discover other vocational options and fields, and realize how much potential lies in the future. The RYLA facilitators urged the participants to keep a healthy perspective on life, create a ‘bucket list’, to realize that things don’t always work out as planned and most of all to accept and enjoy the journey. Gordon Bird thanked Trillian for speaking to us today.
Club Business:
· Seniors Christmas Luncheon this Saturday at the WVSAC, 21st and Marine. Set-up 09:00h.
· Christmas Social at the del Vicario residence this Saturday, 18:30h.
· ORN the Club night went well with approximately $1500.00 raised. Thanks to all who helped out and made it another fun evening
· 50/50/happy/sad/fines: no winners, no losers
Meeting adjourned.