Rotary Peace Forum
Dear Rotary friends,
I want to share exciting news with you about the Rotary Peace Forum being held in Metro Vancouver (Richmond) on February 23. Two high profile keynote speakers have accepted invitations to attend and a first for Rotary in Canada will take place at the forum.
The Hon Julian Fantino, Minister of International Cooperation will open the conference speaking on the Government of Canada – Rotary partnership to eradicate polio. We also hope he will bring a $1 million cheque to present to Rotary for polio eradication.
Dr. Bob Scott the chair of the RI PolioPlus Committee will speak at the Peace Celebration Banquet. Bob has led Rotary’s response to the recent murders of polio vaccinators in Pakistan and chairs Rotary’s polio committee.
The first E-Club in Canada will receive their charter at the Peace Forum. The ceremony will be broadcast to club members across Canada via the Internet. This is a first.
If you are already registered for the Rotary Peace Forum – thank you. If you are not registered we hope you will join us. Please announce this event at your Rotary club and share this message with your club members. I have attached a flyer on the Rotary Peace Forum. The flyer is also available online at:
We are partnering with radio station CKNW to support their anti bullying Pink Shirt Day. Everyone attending the Rotary Peace Forum will receive a pink shirt. We will have a group photo taken to support Pink Shirt Day.
In addition to the speakers noted above we have the following topics on the program:
Rotary’s rich history as a peacemaker – RI Director Bryn Styles
Anti Bullying panel and discussion – Patti Bacchus, Chair Vancouver School Board, DGE Denis Boyd, DGND John Anderson, Rachel Hislop-Hook, Interact Club – Delta SS
Combating Gang Violence– Chief Bob Rich, Abbotsford PD
Rotary Peace Centers– Past RI Director Paul Netzel
Polio Eradication as a peace program– PDG Ann Lee Hussey
Building Rotary club partnerships for peace
Canada’s role in reconstruction of Afghanistan
Rotary grants for peace and conflict resolution projects
For further information, bios of keynote speakers, agenda, hotel reservations and to register online please visit or directly to
Please note that the preferred Rotary room rate at the hotel is only available until February 5 2013. Registration for the Peace Forum is $125 which includes lunch and the Rotary Peace Celebration Banquet.
Chris Offer, PDG
Chair, Rotary Peace Forum
Phone: 1-604-940-9365 or Cell 1-604-897-8758